It never even began for fake koreacels

1  2020-06-03 by Dimbledorf


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I'm tired of this fucking meme. Yes, gamers are hated by society for having no life, while the average person takes orders from the TV 4 hours per day. Gamers are hated on reddit, for wanting our moneys worth. Reddit is super liberal, until a gamer stands up to a corporation. Then it's oh that virgin gamer is upset that the female body is now covered. No, I appreciate art, culture, and the female body. The gamers rise up meme is hate speech against people with a video game hobby. Should we slut shame, or shame an alcoholic? No? Then STOP this gamers rise up nonsense.


  1. It never even began for fake koreac... -,

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nigga u smell

s e n t i e n t ?



Make them a ~bit~ lot thinner and make the guy their are kicking one of their own and you are spot on.



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Smh seethe is not antisemitic

Anything i dont agree with is antisemetic

no one plays ow

cabbage chinks do

It's like ez mode TF2 really and you don't have to think.

to be fair i don't think much while playing tf2 either

TF2 is also fucking braindead. So is Counter Strike, the only skillful FPS is Quake

Singapore and Israel seethe inside

Pochonbo electric ensemble intensifies

The acronym is PEE lmfao

based juchechad
