Now stop it

1  2020-06-03 by anuddahuna


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Seeing ifunny gif captions on Reddit makes me wanna go back to ifunny


Based and bakamitaipilled

iFunny gif caption moment

seethe and dilate

Going through these comments like a fucking moron like "god damn, when did /r/yakuzagames get this spicy?"

I am the biggest opponent of eugenics in history, because I’m autistic, and about a hundred or so years ago some top minds wanted to eugenics people like me out of the gene pool. So don’t you dare accuse me of any bs when I point some things I have a huge problem with


  1. Now stop it -,

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that’s not a bag of shekels


He said the riot leaders, not the riot funders

Oy vey


He said the riot leaders, not the riot founders

This was posted by a bot. Source

Good bot


Great bot

This was posted by a bot. Source

Where is the kfc crackkka?

We’re sorry but you destroyed the KFC, the nearest one is...

Das rite crackkkka we kangs looted yo kfc ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽

Ok, so you understand we can’t actually reasonably get you any...

Fuck of racist wh*te boy ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏿✊🏾

Ok calm down, how does Popeye’s sound?

Popeye's ain't the shiiiet wh*te boy, we want our kfc and we want it now ✊🏿✊🏿

Please no, put the hammer away! We’ll get you your KFC, we just need more time.

Times up wh*te boy, hand over the chicken or yo bitches

No, please! My wife is 6 months pregnant!

Abort that wh*te crotch goblin and I'll make your wife a magnificent kang baby

Nooo, please. We’ve been trying for so long. Don’t force me to...

Game's over white boy!!!

r/whiteboyextinction r/whiteboysex

Oh fuck.

Fine then, you leave me no choice.

presses button to open a nearby closet and outcomes a small black child. The first words out of its mouth are...

Child: ‘Papa, is that you? Momma told me you went to get milk.’

hugs you Thank you so much whte boy *still huging you You crackkkas not that bad after all takes out a pocket knife stabs you in the neck and you shortly die of blood loss Shiiiiiet wh*te boy we kangs are a supperior race, now to bang yo bitch


It's coming soon along with some gold plated rims

Good white boy :)

And the grape drank

And the watermellon... oh, wait.

You forgot the 40oz


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