you are not allowed to eat dogs because we (civilized americans) said so

17  2020-06-03 by newchoppa5555


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Dumbass. Stop eating dogs and bats Chang.

When I saw this point I immediately agreed that since I couldn’t formulate a legitimate response than it must be acceptable to eat dog too

Fuck you I’ll judge you by what you eat regardless of the contradictions 😡

I love dogs, but they are just animals, and pigs are smarter. People are fucking retarded about this shit.

Probably the foid effect, really.

pigs are smarter

as some guy in this thread said, smartness isn't emotional intelligence. pigs can go fuck themselves with their writing skills

Emotional intelligence is foid nonsense - uncuck yourself

How about I boil you alive normie primate

I don't know, autistic people have something wrong with them, it's not a straight stat-boost.

All I know is that foids are better at it, which means it's useless.

Autists have an average iq of 70. The myth that autisms are all actually not useless needs to end.

I’m an autist and my IQ is 71

Stop the bigotry!

You shouldn't eat either halal meat only. God already told you what's good and bad to eat why don't you listen?

I got an aneurism trying to comprehend the bottom text

You shouldn't eat either tbh.

Hey, Americans are well known to eat hot dogs

You will never convince a normal human that eating dog is OK.

Pragmatically, dogs are a terrible food source.

Compared to common livestock, they require more food, and more time, to yield less meat. If you put a bunch together, they'll stress out and get sick, and/or kill each other.

You could eat strays, sure, but they're full of parasites, and it probably wouldn't take long to deplete the available stock.

The only point you'll ever have is that you represent the sad, fedora-wearing, bloated face of capitalism in the 21st century.


  1. you are not allowed to eat dogs bec... -,

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this post isnt about how you shouldn't eat meat, because im not in the place to tell people what they can and cannot do but the hypocrisy of redditards never cease to amaze me

First yes i agree,because of reddit iam starting to hate dogs.Btw if you unironicly say dogo pls kill your self

Reddit is making you hate dogs? Have you ever considered you're just retarded.

wait, I thought everyone here was retarded, it was a pre requisite of being here isn't it?

ya but that dudes an overachiever

You never go full retard

Yes to both

I agree, The whole wholesome 100 shit is annoying as fuck. I mean, I still talk to my dog in a high pitched voice and call her my baby girl like a faggot but at least I’m not posting it on Reddit for fake internet points.

Hmmm what should I eat, one of the many delicious animals such as a cow or pig

Nah I think I'll eat a bat instead

Why not both? It's called a "varied diet".

Because wild caugth animals are more prone to be infected, bats specially are a common rabbies carrier

Same reason why a lot of religions dont allow pork meat. Wild porks eat a lot of random stuff and were more prone to be diseased than a cow that eats mainly grass and plants


And why not pigs and dogs?

Clean animals have cloven hoofs and chew the cud.

Wow, I see no desperate attempt to justify normalcy bias in this thread.

So according to this you don't eat chicken, right?

Chicken is allowed, we were talking about land animals.

Normalcy comes from ancient laws, not the other way around.

Following the evidence-based Kosher diet for health benefits 🤔

My local Diner’s Early Bird Porkchop special 🤤🤤🤤

Sorry Deuxs, the choice is clear.

Interesting. But this also says you can't eat pigs.

That's his point?


The original post says that eating pigs is just as bad as eating dogs. So you don't disagree with that after all.

But anyway I didn't even know this "cloven hoofs and chew the cud" thing but it seems culturally important for the Abrahamic religions and explains why Muslims don't eat pigs. So thanks for posting this. This has broadened my knowledge of meats.

The original post is trying to say pigs and dogs are acceptable to eat.

Both are unclean in God's eyes.

That is a fair distinction.

bats specially are a common rabbies carrier

Only in the US, in most of the rest of the world dogs are the common rabbies carrier

Why not a delicious doggo, racist?

Why yes I am! thanks for mentioning it.


In butter.

Personally, I prefer lathering everything in a nice greasy coat of olive oil, if I can afford it.

Dogs have been domesticated to live with, bond with and seek the affection and protection of humans for over 30,000 years. Eating them unless there’s some dire necessity is all sorts of fucked.

The whole doggo pupper boop the snoot we don’t deserve dogs bullshit on reddit is even more disgusting though and I’d eat a golden retriever puppy out of spite.

white female hands typed this post

Actual w*men, on Deuxrama? Or does the dogpill apply to white troids too?

tranny's cant get anything else.

A lot of regulars here are føîds tho🤢🤮

Yea every civilization stopped eating dogs when they reached a certain level of food security, except China.

Pigs are as smart as dogs 🐕


Smartness ≠ emotional intelligence. Pigs can read and write better than dogs, but dogs are bred to respond to human affection.

Only the most debased of kafir eat pig.

I dont eat pig, but I might just start to spit in allah's face.

Mustlims didn't eat pork because they were too stupid to properly cook meat, and they kept dying from food poisoning.

Pigs do not chew the cud, they are unclean.

But look at all this brutality😡🔫👮🏻‍♂️

Do you call your dogs your furbabies


In parts of Asia they haven't necessarily been bred for that.

Ok but hooved animals as well

It’s not like dogs come out of the womb seeking a human to be their mother.

We’ve bred dogs to be relatively easily domesticable, not so they would naturally live humans.

Breeding dogs to be eaten, while I do not agree with it, is no morally different than breeding cattle or pigs.

easily provably false. dogs were first domesticated in China between 7000-5800 BCE. but of course you have the authority to tell them what to do,Upper%20Paleolithic%20sites%20in%20Europe.

domestication event(s) which may have occurred between 40,000 and 20,000 years ago, researchers are not agreed on the results.

You're own article still says it's up for debate

I was under the impression that prehistoric humans were working with dogs and in the process of domesticating them for 30k years, not that they were actually domesticated for that long.

This could be entirely wrong. I read it during a hangover trying to distract myself by reading about if you can have foxes for pets. That’s literally my only source. Some site about how to keep different breeds of foxes. It sounds right though.

Easily provable false lol? It's pretty hard to prove a domestication event tens of thousands of years ago. Genotyping Chinese dogs have found they were from the southern asian breeds that had been domesticated 33,000YA.

The scientists said Chinese dogs have significantly more genetic diversity than other populations, and are genetically the closest to gray wolves, indicating that dogs were domesticated in southern East Asia about 33,000 years ago.

Tbh Id eat meat of all creatures before I die

I don't remember mutts frying dogs alive

But cooking animals alive keeps your body healthy and wards off evil spirits.

eat fry pig tail good for lucky drink hot water good for healthy chew bat wing good for fertile

Boil good cream of magma give resistance of fire

If you don't believe this you are a liberal atheist fag

Don't forget to sacrifice 5 heffirs per year to the gods or suffer their wrath.

And bury a virgin alive under new bridges for good luck! 😊

a wholesome event the whole family can get behind!

Crabs get cooked alive though

They deserve it for looking like that.

Yikes, that's a crab bucket mentality, silly inkwell


dont they get hiv coronavirus aids if you kill them before cooking?

Eating animals specifically bred by mankind for consumption over the course of thousands of years is exactly the same as eating a caged dog living in its own shit for months because moral relativism or something. True reddit-brain autism.

The pigs, cows, and chickens also live in cages where they live in their own shit for months. Is that okay to you?

Retard take


dog is fren :D


reddit moment

omg :o please don't post me on "based sub r/redditmoment or even r/averageredditor" :(

I won't, but only because you asked nicely, gotta keep you on your toes.

r/redditmoment has been taken over by AHS mods :(

Pretty sure those dogs were also bred to be eaten

All the halfs of pigs I ever saw fresh from the slaughterhouse smelled like literal shit since they spend the last moment of their life lying in their own shit


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Dogs are different.


Dogs have been domesticated for companionship, not for food.

Hurting a dog is basically betrayal.

w*the woman moment

Ootl, what's with the ecru women and dogs?

Dogs and pigs are both najis bro

Dogs and pigs are both najis bro

this is so fucking true

Imagine not being pescatarian 🙂😄😆😅😂🤣😭😭😭🐟🎣🐠🐡🦈🐟

Imagine eating sea rats

imagine eating sea insects lmao

Based and Jack Lalane-pilled

ok chink

bottom text

I don't think these are the same people as often as vegans believe.

checkmate cocksucker, i don't eat mammals


If only people ate their damn Chihuahua's

You people slice critically endangered whale-sharks up alive and sell them at fish markets, I have the videos.

But seriously don’t eat dogs you fascist fucks.

Dogs are terrible sources of meat and are a lot more useful alive due to trainability and loyalty. Plus, wook at dwat adworabwil wittle fwace

Watch them freak out when you want to eat a panda.