Commies of r/history are butthurt when reddit doesn't instantly fix racism

13  2020-06-03 by AVirtualDuck


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oh no no no

> For example, questions and answers supporting Holocaust denial forced us to establish a clear policy of immediate deletion, as r/AskHistorians moderator u /commiespaceinvader describes here.


>u /commiespaceinvader


Had to leave r/history and r/askhistorians due to their recent displays. Can’t have shit on Reddit.

why the fuck would anyone read /r/history if they’re not terminally mentally retarded. it’s so trash I feel like u r baiting

anywho good on you for leaving it though, u might wanna check out /r/historiansanswered for your next pedantry fix. it’s a bot run sub that crossposts AH posts that have received replies.

There would be interesting things there occasionally. Even /r/CrusaderKings is better for history content on Leddit. /his/ will always be best imo.

Commies, lol

This is peak neoliberalism. Don't make revolution, consume it.

They can post about black history instead of doing this

But 3000 years of tribal warfare, selling slaves and human sacrifices are boring

Its a history sub not a fiction writers sub

No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. Commies of r/history are butthurt w... -,

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I mean they are tirelessly removing posts questioning the holocaust, which we all know it happened to its full extent. I feel sorry for them, and I cannot believe someone would question the 6 million Jews who died and were cremated in that period of time.

...if I end up fighting the commies alongside Spez like Legolas & Gimli, I'll take four shits and die.

2020 is by far the most bizarre year ever.