They're rising up

8  2020-06-03 by boyoyoyoyong


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The story is fake cause no one would protect a store they hate

Death is a small price to pay for ethics in gaming journalism.


journos never forget


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i know im not the bad guy auto janny

Bottom text

"I've done nothing but shoot at minorities for the last two days."

"What protests?"

Who the fuck goes to gamestop.

My grandma so she can buy my nephew a video game for an out of date system he no longer owns.

Bottom text

Jews did this


  1. They're rising up -,

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Every damn time this bot comments it's always correct

OK Gamer!

not the G*mers!

Based Gamers

White supremacist gamers oppress black people.

Not real gamers. Real gamers would be the ones looting that shithole