[/r/DataIsBeautiful] Pageviews for the Wikipedia article "Race and Intelligence" since March 1st

23  2020-06-03 by low-info-upvoter


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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tl;dr: Differences in intelligence can't exist because race is a social construct and doesn't exist in biology.

I'm not even kidding. This is actually what the article says.

evolution stops at the neck

DON'T link the stone nazi comic omg



this is human supremacy propaganda


discrediting every piece of neuroscience

You mean like racial and sexual differences in grey and white matter percentages in the brain?

Why highlight the entire fucking thing like what is the point

maybe he likes yellow

I, the Whizzard, have made the dissertation you see before you!

my wife? she's Asian

This picture selectively edits some of the quotes.

Example: https://i.imgur.com/V8UxOoJ.png

A lie with the power to destroy countries

Everyone knows that the brain never changes. It's not like concussions are well known to change behaviour!

I've seen countless people on this site dispute the existence of intelligence as a variable trait altogether. Like, everyone is born with the exact same intelligence, no one's mind inherently works better or faster than anyone else's.

This will go even further. The Soviet communists denied the existence of genetics as a whole. Why shouldn't the American communists do the same?

In 1948, genetics was officially declared "a bourgeois pseudoscience". Over 3,000 biologists were imprisoned, fired, or executed for attempting to oppose Lysenkoism and genetics research was effectively destroyed until the death of Stalin in 1953.


Well I bet if you brought that up in kindergarten your teacher would deny it too.

You have to understand what stage of life this site caters to.

That literally isn't an argument though it's goal post shifting. Organ transplants and bone marrow are EXTREMELY race specific.

Also family specific. HLA is pretty sensitive to that. But HLA compatibility wouldn't define a "race", or be a very meaningful tool to define human groups (it's almost too sensitive and would favor inbreds).

Let's just say that it might not be hard to get a compatible transplant across Alabama.

Reminder that Arabs and Pakistanis are the most inbred people on earth.

There are inbred areas, but it's not like some tribes on specific islands.

There are a few oddities though. Some tribe in Africa has a high rate of syndactyly, which I think has become the norm there. Since it doesn't impede strength, and has low impact on dexterity, those people still climb trees, hunt... and have techniques adapted to this particularity. But here it's just a recessive gene reaching "critical mass". And since it doesn't prevent them from having a normal life it goes on.

Very inbred pakistanis (like inbred arabs) have high rates of very heavy handicaps (then again it's recessive diseases at very high rate).

The majority of anthropologists today consider race to be a sociopolitical phenomenon rather than a biological one,

Anthropology isn't even a science. First sentence from the Anthropology page claims Anthropology is a science. None of this shit is actually measurable, and it's a 'science'.

We're fucked. Post truth society.

My favorite part about that article is how its basically all just desperate attempts to explain away the data

That page has been a constant edit war for over a decade. You go there on different days of the week and see completely different narratives. Just look at the talk page, there are 102 pages of arguing and conflict.

explains all the black scientists

They would be scientists more than you mayos if you didn't steal all their tech from wakanda and enslave them. 🤬 Ignore the 300,000 year advantage they had before the earliest whites showed up.




Colors are a social construct. We as a society has decided what wavelengths are called what, and where we draw the line between them is arbitrary.

Therefore all colors are identical.

Their "no-original-research" policy means you're basically reading hot takes from BuzzFeed.

Society is a racial construct

We (don't) live in a society!

The guy's name is Reich, that's something both sides can appreciate.

Differences in glomerular filtration rate also can't exist between races, which is why they decided to remove the race term from the equation which was previously used to make it more accurate: https://mobile.twitter.com/lizstein_/status/1265078654381387777

Every. Damned. Time.

lmao 2 senteces in and the wikipedia article is already coping

because race is a social construct and doesn't exist in biology

It's actually true. There's not enough differences between human groups to define "races" in the biological sense (like you can do for dogs or cats).

Now that doesn't mean there aren't biological differences, and there aren't groups you can define around phenotypical traits.

It's basically a technicality because we use the word "race" for humans in a sense that isn't biological (and could be considered a social construct, because it's hard to map it to a thorough biological definition).

That doesn't mean that different group of that "social construct" can't have different IQs for instance. Or that we can't recognize each other based on that.

It's basically a technicality because we use the word "race" for humans in a sense that isn't biological (and could be considered a social construct, because it's hard to map it to a thorough biological definition).

At what % classification accuracy would you accept that pca analysis and k-means clustering can accurately predict an individual's race based on genetic data?

I'm not saying there's not distinct groups that you can divide based on genetics or phenotype. It's entirely possible.

Differenciating biological races still takes more than that. It's a matter of definition.

Simple example : just look at the size difference between two races of dogs. They can't still reproduce, but they have incredibly different phenotypes. Humans are way more homogeneous all around. We have extremely similar bone structure (even though you can note differences), skin differences are mostly color (and thickness, even then not by a lot), eye and hair color...

To the untrained eye it would be very hard to "classify" a skeleton by race. Now if you saw skeletons from an average pitbull, chihuahua, and great dane side by side you'd have no difficulty telling them apart.

So that's why there are difference in human, definite genetic groups, but not enough to reach the bar for distinct "races".

It could happen over time, but it's made less and less likely since we all tend to mingle. There are very few people who are genetically isolated and they're unlikely to remains so for millenia anyway.

Ok, given N measurable phenotypic traits that vary between genetic population groups what would you consider a sufficient Mahanalobis' D(N) to characterize different genetic population groups as distinct races?

Then again it's just a question of vocabulary. There are groups we can identify and separate. Apparently the specialists in those fields agree it's not enough for separating "races".

But then idiots who really want to use that word will try to argue, when that doesn't change the point.

It's like when you show SJWs that POCs can be racist but suddenly they define racism by the more recent definition used in social sciences that it needs to be "systemic" (as opposed to the older definitions which were just about the belief that there are races of human, and that some are superior).

Now I worked on genetics but since that wasn't my focus, I don't know the right word to differenciate human phenotypic/genetic groups, but there must be one somewhere.

Really going out of your way to avoid having any benchmark for evaluating your claim that genetics can't be used to differentiate biological races. You're privileging the hypothesis that biological races don't exist and it seems no evidence to the contrary will sway you.

Then again it's just a question of vocabulary.

So our disagreement is semantic and not based in science.

Apparently the specialists in those fields agree it's not enough for separating "races".

Not really, specialists in those fields agree that 'race' is a politically charged term and refrain from using it to avoid courting controversy. If you instead choose to simply refer to different groups as 'human populations' (as David Reich does) nothing actually changes in terms of the implications that these distinct populations have characteristic distributions of various traits which will impact their behaviour and outcomes relative to other population groups within a multi-ethnic society.

It essentially takes this and instead of having k=4 and getting blue, green, yellow and red, uses k = 20 and more finely divides population groups.

The trade-off here is that k=20 provides more precision but little actionable advice for the average person trying to build a mental model of the world.

I can understand the urge to have people filter less of their experiences through a racial lens. This lens provides a map of reality, but all maps are wrong - and the failure mode of this particular map can have devastating consequences. Mindlessly repeating 'race is a social construct' won't work if you're also constantly talking about the importance of race consciousness, racism, racial privilege etc.

Maps are constructs, doesn't mean they don't reflect reality.

So our disagreement is semantic and not based in science.

Yes, except in that field the semantics they use don't allow to use "race" for humans.

Taxonomy has a huge vocabulary, I don't know why people get so triggered they can't use the one word they'd like because boomers used to call everything "race".

If you instead choose to simply refer to different groups as 'human populations' (as David Reich does) nothing actually changes in terms of the implications that these distinct populations have characteristic distributions of various traits which will impact their behaviour and outcomes relative to other population groups within a multi-ethnic society.

That's what I'm saying too. People get fixated on the word instead of discussing the reality. But AFAIK that word doesn't apply here.

Mindlessly repeating 'race is a social construct' won't work if you're also constantly talking about the importance of race consciousness, racism, racial privilege etc.

That's also a problem I have with SJWs. Words have definitions, and can have several in different fields. If you're a scientist you're used to prefacing anything with the exact definition you'll be using.

Here we'll use "race" or "ethnicity", in the USA it's even used on official documents. Then some people will slide into pseudoscientific biology to try and make a point...

In social issues perception is reality, so the social sciences will see race very differently (here it's more about identity, or how other identify you). And in its context it is the definition that is useful and meaningful.

I'd rather do away with that word and just talk about the genetic and social realities.

And if we're going into classification, it's extremely hard to find a decent multivariate models to classify humans. Usually we'll go with a few genes variants that tend to cluster into what we consider ethnic groups. But even then we don't have a great model either.

Just look at the mess around DNA ancestry services and how they suck at calling some specific ancestries (native americans for instance). Either through lack of data and/or lack of a good classification algorithm. So even if someday we were at the point where we could genetically define biological races in humans, it's far from settled science today. And that's excluding the whole social and historical bagage around that notion.

Well it‘s true

Well race and gender actually doesn’t exist. It’s better to compare intelligence by nationality or ethnicity

What happened around March 6th?

maybe Bernie lost a primary and the berniebros were seething about the low information voters supporting dementia daddy?

Why didn’t they vote for Bernie, stupid ni ... i mean low information voters

If you visit the talk page of the article, you'll see some far-left editors trying to delete "hate facts" (and succeeding). I read the article 1 year ago and it was based af, I checked it last month and it had been neutered

Wikipedia's approved editor cliques has long been the same sorts of pseudointellectual agenda posters that bore reddit.

Don't let pizzashill in here or I'll have to btfo him on this argument for like the 4th time

He stays away from here because he gets absolutely destroyed every time he comes here and the Jannies here don't ban the meanies that destroy him.

You mean, downvoted by fugees while being obviously right and astoundingly obnoxious about it.

Yeah that happens all the time.


obviously right

Only when discussing the femo*d question.


I see someone got assfucked by pizza at some point and still seethin’


Yes, that’s what pizza did to you.

accusing pizzashill of asking jannies to back him up

Hello newfag!

Did you find it on r/dataisbeautiful? Because if you did I just reposted it...

na, I took the screenshot myself, the "/r/DataIsBeautiful" in the title is just tongue in cheek lol, it'll probably get y'all-ed

Oh Jannies? Wipe my bum! Chop chop!

removed by autojannie


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Moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose.

Heh, their current top post https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/gwdr9d/oc_people_killed_by_police_forces_annual_rate_per shows that Hispanics in the US are killed at the same rate as in Mexico, and blacks at the average rate among African countries, suggesting a link between killings and criminality among other things. Of course comments locked after 3 hours, too many people kept noticing the hidden redpill I guess.

Ever since my franchise MetroPCS store became the third stop of the Great Jog of St Paul, I wondered why these antifa white nationalists all seemed so dim. This page helped a lot thanks!

im glad after all this protesting BLM is finally fixing racism

My posts are demand-influenced. People feel the need to positively influence themselfes from others. The idiot is a part of the social system and as such has a vital part to play in society as he provides the chance for others to look down on him as he's doing such idiotic things. The internet has desensitised the general public. Someone whos erratically yelling things isn't as off-putting as it used to be when the village idiot was doing that job. People demand weird content that is crossing the boarders of social norms. People putting their bathroom usage on social media seem to be what people want to see. Actually, they are weird, much weirder than most of the other content here. As you can see, this content gets upvoted. You may not like it, but this content is satisfying the need for which people come to this subreddit.


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What happened the 7th of march?

This sub: Oh no the closed drama because somebody saight something slightly rightwing

Also: Let's talk about genetic difference in intelligence among races