AHS thinks Spez is a racist Nazi, for....not banning enough subreddits? How deluded are these people?

6  2020-06-03 by Israel-Did_9-11


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Imagine the shitstorm and lmaos if Spez banned AHS

who cares they have like a million alt subreddits that admins would conveniently forget to ban

From an admin’s perspective they probably love AHS. It’s a group of autists doing admin’s PR work for free. Any Buzzfeed, Vice, Vox, Salon type of journo can write an article about how horrible and racist reddit is for allowing a tiny edgy meme sub to exist, which reflects poorly on the site to potential investors. AHS jannies are making the site look presentable without reddit having to hire staff to look for based subs

So you're saying... they're doing it... for free???

Spez is AHS. They have the full backing of the admins and they're probably happy that these retards are rabble rousing because it gives them the momentum to ban a bunch of subreddits whilst claiming that reddit supports free expression.

I want it to happen just to see the seething

Where will I find based subs then?

On ruqqus

Everyone would be happy

this is your brain on soy

Asians consume lots of soy yet they are nowhere near as gay or retarded as that "man".

Pretty sure asians consume a different type of soy than the one found in Soylent, for example. They also consume a lot less soy than people whose identity revolve around being consumers of soy food.

Soy doesnt actually make you feminine, its just a meme and a good lingustic tool for describing these feminine, self loathing, pussy-worshipping cucks. One three letter word and we all know the type of numale thats being discussed.

Bro, have you fucking seen South Korea? Total fucking ladyboy homos.

But North Korea is our honorary kangs ✊✊

Yeah but they don't have enough soy to eat

You’re username lmao

Your username lmao

It's true though, I'm his biggest fan

Asian men have an easier time transient because they have much less pronounced secondary sex characteristics.

The soy is in their genes.

I wish their terrible sub would already get deleted already. Spez supports these cp ring leaders and fags.

Oh no there is a week old based sub with 3k subs and its not immediately banned? REDDIT IS FULL OF NAZIS

REDDIT IS FULL OF RACISTS AND BIGOTS, and the admins are NAZI SYMPATHIZERS for not making this magically disappear!!

don't forget how they QUARANTINED ChapoTrapHouse (and it just so happens that they forgot to ban their fifty evasion subs) 😤 reddit really is full of nazis SMH!!!

Spez didn't personally delete a comment calling me a soy boy that got 4 upvotes, we can't let this nazi keep getting away with it.

Stop asking how deluded they are. You must learn to enjoy this.

Something words can never hurt me

Spez confirmed CEO of racism


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Wtf spez with no cringe??

Lol I’ve met people like this, in real life. They truly never measure up in anything they do. They can’t maintain eye contact, they don’t ever really accomplish anything, this is his only outlet because he’s too spineless, weak, and awkward to do anything else. He goes from sub to sub crying about some kind of criminal high fantasy as if anyone would ever notice him in real life. Someone’s probably bullying him as we speak lmao.


  1. AHS thinks Spez is a racist Nazi, f... - archive.org, archive.today

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How are you so sentiment

Very cinnamon bot

r/murderedbywords r/mademesmile

Almost as sentient as I am


So brave....

Wtfff based

Based how the admins gave a 3 day suspension to this AHS mod, not that it matters tho

edit: nvm they reversed it



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They think like a terminally online socially inept jannie so they fundamentally cannot understand that a millionaire who bought out this website did so in order to increase his wealth and is not the one personally frantically searching for edgy meme subs with 15 subscribers to shit pants over

What the fuck, why arent reddit mods censoring and controlling all media and discussion on whats supposed to be an open forum website?? Are they nazis or something??

spez didn't signal enough virtues, now he's being eaten by his own. you hate to see it.

read username and know that it is true brother, mashallah 🙏

AHS gets Reddit banned.

Better spend money on reddit awards to stick it to spez

r/coontown RIP

Seethe and cope AHS, November 3 can't come soon enough 😎🇺🇸

They were laughing at the idea of Reddit having a liberal bias there. Mainly because they get banned for death threats.

r/N ?



Whoever posted that unironically deserves to die.

Spez is the CEO of racism


What a sad simp, loves censorship until it whacks him in the face

These are the very people that were lined up on the wall after the revolution ended, idiots to the end.

I mean, I don't know, people can change their views. You shitting on them makes it worse


Oh fuck off and eat shit.