Based Capitalist Steam does not give a fuck about #muhlivesmatter

6  2020-06-03 by killurownfamily


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Steam isn't publicly traded which is why they're able to get away with just chilling and selling Hentai games to people stuck in their boarded up goon caves.

Meanwhile EPIC and Origin are probably putting GTAV on sale and directing HR to raise the black employee maximum from 1 per department, to 2.

They know their clientele.

Very well.

Anyone pick up children of mortia on sale? It's pretty good

Oh, poor sad angry little poodle yapping away its aggression on the internet. How bloody typical. If I were a better person I'd pity you. It is, however, not my fault that you are uneducated and have to fall back on silly childish insults. As it is you have provided amusement my little ankle-biter. Looking at the nonsense it seems that you are in one hell of a lot more misery than I will ever be my angry little brat. You should thank me for letting you get your anger out in a safe place. I thank you for the giggle.


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Perfect as always

Is there an official name for the art style all of the Rick and Morty people do? Gross-Arts or something?