3  2020-06-03 by i_stole_your_legs


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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How the fuck do black troids pass so well but white troids end up looking horrible


Maybe we need some sissy hyponsis playing in black neighborhoods

Need more chocotraps

Looking at the trans murder rate in the Kang community I can safely deduct that the ugly ones were either killed or too afraid to transition.

Wtf whites need to start gate keeping ugly troids don't deserve respect

top 1% troomer ethnostate when

When they let me fuck their trussy


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Hsts vs agp

This, all ethnic trannies are homosexual men trying to bypass the homophobia in their community, which is why they pass so well and look so girly

White trannies are just incels who watched one too many sissy hypno videos

The white ones are usually disgusting neckbeardy young men who don't feel manly, but are in no way effeminate

So the cheat to finding actually hot trannies Is to go for brown ones

All life is precious and valued by the people that have it and their loved ones. but almost none of those lives will matter in any significant way at all.




  1. #BLACKTRANSLIVESMATTER - archive.org, archive.today

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