Stunning and brave black tranny gets beaten by upstanding african-american citizens, turned out he asked for it, /r/blackladies is angry, water is wet

10  2020-06-03 by UnalignedRando

The main video and the narrative: tranny gets beaten for a small car accident. A pack of black men crowd someone weaker and beat the shit out of them (as they're wont to do). Does the usual, sets up crowdfunding to finance her degeneracy.

Now it gets spicier when other black people put some context to that story. Turns out the tranny was under the influence, stole a car for a joyride (allegedly with the children of the owner inside the car), and crashes it into several car in a parking lot after some pretty reckless driving (say what you will that tranny drives like a real woman).

But it's not all! Another video (17 minutes) surfaces, showing that cis black women (the kind that still look like dudes but don't have dicks) started the fight. Both started hitting the tranny, and yelling "transphobic slurs" (which in your day and age can mean anything short of sucking the tranny's dick). If anyone has that video (supposedly 17m long) plz post it.

So the story get posted on /r/blackladies with a title explaining the involvement of the sheboons in that hate crime. Which leads (as most things on that subs) to many complaints from users. In unusual fashion the mods then put their foot down and admit black women might do wrong on rare occasions.

Rest of the comments are mostly the sheboons angry that the title mentions their kind was guilty, and stating that black women dindu nuffin.

Others will explain why the tranny had it coming :

And cherry on top : the TERF/blackladies crossover episode. Wherein the tranny didn't ask for it, but kind of because trannies are invading female spaces.

EDIT : couldn't resist adding the /r/MtF reaction to it (turns out they're ACAB until they realize those brave black people killed by the police would love nothing more than to beat a few trannies), here's my favorite comment there :


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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I saw that, it's hilarious how so many people are clueless to the disdain joggers have for the alphabet community


More like violent hatred. And I love how the lgbtqzp+ have to watch every word when describing those incidents.

In France a tranny was beaten and robbed during a parade of algerian citizens. Which was funny because the dude tried to avoid any mention of the attackers ethnicity. And when journalists discussed the subject, the tranny spent most of its time pointing out that it's a problem for all men, not just young muslims (despite most violent homophobic and transphobic attacks coming from those groups).

Anyone who has spent anytime in black communities know this so of course its a surprise to redditors.

Even the โ€œwokeโ€ ones I see on Facebook are trashing LGBT people any chance they get lol


It's like they never listened to a Rap song.

They're so clueless they see transgender murder rates and literally think evil white males are hunting them down in the streets.

While it's actually joggers being upset when this lady they took home turns out to have a dick. Or they're black tranny prostitute getting killed for walking around at night in shit neighborhoods.

They honestly think that Fox News is making white men hunt trannys.

Iโ€™ve seen this exact sentiment all over Reddit. How the far right kills trans people.

Even just 40 seconds of observation would tell you that only people with a certain degree of melanin density are keen on doing that. And they sure as shit donโ€™t watch Fox News.

Back in the day that story riled up the lgbt quite a lot. The fun was when some of them started pointing out the race of the killer (and that it wasn't unusual). Jannies couldn't remove comments and lock threads fast enough.


A more common occurrence are the tranny chasers who get exposed and kill in order to pretend like they didn't know and to preserve their honor.

The shows on BET and their strange sub culture of direct to DVD movies don't hold back in the hate they have for them either.

Redditors are completely detached from reality, it's so bizarre reading their retarded opinions. They really live in a bubble

Like the Bernie voters who spend their life in echo chambers whiter than the average KKK meeting and were sure black ppl would totally vote like them. I loved the gymnastics about calling them "low information voters", assuming that if they knew enough (if the white man educated them right) they'd stop voting for Biden.


shuffles memes

Here you go deuxchad

Posting actual drama to this sub ๐Ÿคฏ

Excellent drama find

the real question is, whatโ€™s r/gendercritical take ๐Ÿค”

It's also on /r/blackfellas, and I'll look in lgbt subs. Interesting enough, each conversation focuses on a different aspect and shifts the blame totally differently. I hope at least two of these groups will start a feud.

uh, black women are less likely to be killed by police than even white men! they don't know what it's like to fear for their lives on a daily basis. these POS need to STFU and let black and brown MEN vent their ANGER and PAIN at the system

Black ๐Ÿ‘ and ๐Ÿ‘ trans ๐Ÿ‘ women ๐Ÿ‘ know ๐Ÿ‘ your ๐Ÿ‘ place ๐Ÿ‘

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Excellent, excellent post - thanks for providing legitimate and topical drama. Keep this up.

I encourage readers to look up where else that story surfaces. Each group has an agenda, and they all focus on one facet (the drunk driving, the fight...).

actual drama

Good job boyo. To all the rapefugees, this is what a good post looks like

Thanks. This story is jumping in the rabbit hole, you always find new threads and each groups involved has a different angle. I hope it blows up and there's even more detail to surface because given the groups involved there's no way it doesn't turn to chaos!

At this point we should just give them a state and then lock them in, itโ€™ll be great we get live footage and they can beat and steal from each other to their heartโ€™s content

We did. It's now a shithole because they could help killing each other (tradition dies hard). But they had their first democratically elected president in 2017.

Transphobia affects cis women. Imagine a (cis)girl who is taller than usual and maybe has 'masculine' facial features and then everyone decides to call her a 'man' because of this. Maybe it then turns into bullying and harassment. Maybe this girl develops very low self esteem, some forms of self hatred etc.

If people accept that women can look like anything and anyone, that girl will be left alone to thrive in her intended way. If people didn't automatically think 'masculine features' = man or that to be treated like a 'woman' you have to look a certain way or have certain parts then it would make life better for cis- AND trans people.

I've simplified a lot but people need to realise that trans matters do not only affect trans people. It affects EVERYONE.

Support tranny rights please so ugly foids don't get bullied anymore.

Let's be fair to those harpies : black women run a higher risk of being confused for men.

Whitest jogger alive. Shame.

And now /r/blackladies calls out a tranny who dares have an opinion on that beating without being black.