Get a load of SRD and /r/DC collectively hating on a brave American hero for protecting the White House and not apologizing to Reddit

2  2020-06-03 by ZumWegwerfenBitte

Our hero posts this peaceful and quiet picture he took while protecting Lafayette Park as a member of the National Guard.

/r/DC is NOT having it and decides to collectively gang up on the dude for doing what's right and not leading a socialist coup to storm the White (Supremacy) House. OP remains polite and positive despite all the unfair abuse he's being targetted with.

Leftist reddit decides that the dude hasn't suffered enough for his horrible war crimes against humanity and decides to insult him on /r/subredditdrama as well - click here to read takes of varying degrees of warmth on this very serious matter.

Accusations range (and change) from "tone-deafness" to "fascist" quickly, and of course SRD decides that OP must be an incel and a "grade-a loser" for posting a beautiful and harmless picture during tough and trying times on a social media site.

What a horrible creature indeed. Could this monster ever be stopped? Can he keep getting away with it? What do you think?


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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I want nothing more then to see these people truly experience the culture they so willingly simp for

I have to say watching left wing cities reap what they have sown being pillaged by the darkest white supremacists I have ever seen, has been quite a treat. Getting to see livestreams of white democrats getting beaten, jumped, and robbed could get anyone to smile. The Hispanic v Black Chicago fights? Coomed everywhere. It is only going to get better.

Quality effort post 👍

the guy doesn't even post on reddit that much and retards who spend half their waking hours on this site diagnose him with loser lmao

The top comment is not a death threat? Reddit has really mellowed out. Or the admins are afraid of the proposed social media legislation.

Why are they so mad about this? What do they expect to happen when mobs of people are tearing down the fences in order to get into the white house? Do they want the government to just let them? I don’t get it.

I absolutely refuse to watch this film on principal. All it does is glorify the "lone wolf white male" archetype. It gives incels and and nazis a hero figure for them to look up to. It is absolutely disgusting and is NOT the movie that we need right now. Who the fuck thought this would be a good idea in our current political climate? The number one terrorist threat in the US right now is a white male.


  1. Get a load of SRD and /r/DC collect... -,

  2. posts -,*

  3. picture -,

  4. /r/DC -,

  5. /r/subredditdrama -,*

  6. here -,

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