Look at this boomer's weapon lmao

1  2020-06-04 by WreckingYourHome


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call the police

Aren't they protesting against police?

You are correct

The intelligence of mayo foids never cease to amaze me

Nevertheless, it is superior to the black and white thinking displayed by rightoids and the melanin enriched who are forever stuck licking boot and chimping out.

The suburban mayo doesn’t see contradiction in recognizing that cops are essential for civilized life, and wanting to reform their conduct.

This is why they own the world.



It means you are a retard with tunnel vision who likes to suck NPC penis

So, are you an invertebrate bootlicker or a chimp?

Based? Cope? Seethe? Idk anymore...

Choosing is for faggots.

While they all hold their phones.


mf said "fuck this" and pulled up with the halo plasma sword

Original tweet
Second video in the comments where he's chasing them in his car driving on the sidewalk. God bless him.

Someone get this man the medal of honor ASAP.

Reddit gold on its way

"Rioters" bwahahahaha foids smh

King shit

What an absolute here

Boomers (Gone Wild)

What even is that weapon

That's some RPG shit, man. Motherfucker out there crafting fist weapons and shit.

Fist reaper of the soyim +2

[journey man craftsmanship]

+59 puncture dmg

-5 blunt dmg

+10 cutting dmg

+50 rage/s

Forged in the dark underbelly of joe's garage; with only the cheapest and most affordable materials of all the land's home depots; this weapon imbues an urgent need to ridicule and attack young folk; some say it's a curse placed upon the blades by it's crafter.


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One retweet said it was a Freddy Krueger glove. It's looks more like Shredder's gauntlet from TMNT. How Shredder has fallen.




Damn that boomer really specced hard into dex with that weapon

Everyone gangster till Freddy Kruger start driving


Damn that thing must be +30 dex and +40 strength with a speed buff

“Call the police” I’m going through such intense mental gymnastics to understand this

Minecraft is the reason Gen Z is becoming so redpilled. Here's some fun things to think about:

Steve: A white male ubermensch who conquers nature and carves it into his own dominion. He builds beautiful structures and ingenious redstone technology.

Zombies: Represent the bugman. Slow, stupid, and outnumber Steve by 100 to 1. They have no ulterior motives beyond consumption.

Creepers: Represent muslims. Not only do they blow themselves up but they are also green which is a color strongly associated with Islam.

Enderman: A tall black man who steals shit and can't swim

Villagers: Big nosed merchants who live in the desert and have their hands constantly rubbed together

Notch saw that Sweden was getting cucked and made Minecraft in collaboration with Pewdiepie in an effort to redpill the Aryan youth


  1. Look at this boomer's weapon lmao - archive.org, archive.today

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No deuxtard, it’s only sentient if it comments in relation to the post. Sweaty

Of course they’re all skateboarding trendfags

These people share an activity with friends outside? I’ll just call them fags from my NEETnest 😎 gotem

I'm just social distancing, sweaty 🙄💅🏿

Says the superior redditor sitting in his gayming chair.


These art hoes step on a board for 1.5 seconds and consider themselves pro skaters

I will lay an art hoe on a skateboard and fuck her rolling

holy shit is that jay leno

You know he spent 3+ hours making whatever the fuck this is, then drove around just hoping someone would start shit

What the actual fuck

What the fuck even.

Someone edit this where he pulls out a halo energy sword instead.

That's not what happened?


Thats called a katar, it’s an indian style dagger. It looks like its stylized to be forked though.

The absolute chad 80's slasher flick boomer

Type 1 energy sword

white girls are literal trash

trash fucking dogs

Disappointed it wasn’t a Blunderbuss

or a laser shotgun

These are the people that will say ACAB until they're about 30 and then call the police to make a noise complaint at 8pm.

Man's ready for the apocalypse

I thought he screamed "you wanna smoke cinnamon cock?!"

This nigga's got fucking Jamadhars holy shit

What is it with mayo foids and filming in vertical?

Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam!

Dude has a halo energy sword and thinks we wouldn’t notice

this mf really having an energy blade irl

I like how they only attack him when his back is turned.

thats how all commies fight, sweety


Conan, what is best in life?

To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women!


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ACAB Call the police

Pick one retard

What'd they do

its called a lightning claw

white women truly are the lowest form of life

I have literally no idea what is going on here.

All this video shows is that Burgers are freakish, over-emotional children who drive shit cars and dress like trash.

We already know these things.

his car has some serious rod knock

What kind of Dead Rising bullshit does he got going on?


zed players

He’s driving a fucking Mercury that is lunching itself from improper maintenance.

He’s fucked already that’s why he’s so triggered. Shitty life choices like not buying AMZN stonks back when they first came out but hey.

Edit: Mercury (Mariner..?) on the Explorer Ford chassis so it’s like basically thinking you’re better than shit but you’re just excrement.

No wonder he can’t afford a gun he can’t even afford a new car with a warranty.

Cope and seethe. This man is a national hero.

Imagine being so unpatriotic you would call him a national hero and not Obama for preventing five separate outbreaks from becoming pandemics.

Must you Conservacucks be this obvious?

seethe. This man will get the medal of honor and have many statues built in his honor and there's nothing you can do about it.

Imagine being this delusional

Why do you seethe so much bro?

He’s foaming out of the mouth rn

jews always seethe

Do us all a favor and imagine being funny instead

bruh obama stopped 25 pandemics and also called off the 2014 race war and even the asteroid impact of May 2016.
