George Floyd Autopsy Results: Severe heart disease, blunts, speedballs, and no neck injuries.

1  2020-06-04 by makesmegohmmmm



The back, buttocks, and anus are unremarkable.


Not according to the videos I’ve seen πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ˜©πŸ€€

post anus

lmao why was he out jogging if he had tested positive for coronavirus

really gets the nogging jogging

So he died of high blood pressure and sickle cell anemia?

If he actually ended up dying of a heart again I don’t think I’m ready for the ensuing drama when the cops are found innocent.

Well if it's sickle cell they could've put him in a cruiser and given him water... he would've been fine. But then again, any old criminal could claim sickness and try to escape or whatever. If his neck wasn't damaged at all then Chauvin wasn't exerting excessive force. It would just be an unfortunate circumstance of medical issues meeting criminal activity. Jeesh


Thanks glomo

Protecting the capital, serving the state, crushing the people with the laws they create

Is this a protest slogan over cops? I hope so. I wonder if those using it know cops have made exactly zero laws.

Sad that you think the quote is for cops

Oh I see. Jeez take your anti Semitism elsewhere 😀😀😠😠

We are looking at 2 sides of the same coin sadly, Zionists are also part of the bourgeois

You are an inspiration for all of us, especially me.

Let me fuck you then

Oooooooooo aaaaaaaaaaaa


Nice edits btw

What edit?

On your account


Yes he is kinda hot tho OO

Stalin was the original chad, he cucked trotsky, was democratically elected the 2nd leader of SU, fucked hitler, and also ripped on kulaks

Exactly bro

Glad we agree racist femboy

Have a great day communist dolphin

Have a great day communist dolphin

You too racist femboy

dont know which is less surprising

male feminist is a sexual deviant


male feminist looks like he never hit puberty


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Heart attacks cause shortness of breath!

Dude really loved his drugs.