Change my mind: Whitoids at the protests should be forced converted into women and have their bussies married to joggers.

1  2020-06-04 by artemusclyde

Everyone knows that lonely young men are the most likely to be radicalized. That is why we should force all whitoids at these protests to forcibly transition into women and married off to there local joggers as a form of reparations. This would be a great boon to the whitoids cause they can finally start taking the bbc they dream about while also making them no longer racist by virtue of having a black boyfriend. This would also help eliminate the homophobia in the black community. Change my mind.


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This is why we need mayocide.


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While we're at it, Hispanoids at these riots should be forced to be the gardeners for the joggers. Yelloids are to be geishas.

You riot and aren't a kang, you serve the kangs.

Meantime, you stay home, Daddy Trump gives you an AR-15. Because America.

Don’t threaten them with a good time

How about to end racism every deux user takes E and becomes my tranny gf

Why dont you take estrogen and become mine? I would like that

I don't like it as a policy. But if it happened once, the army would be called out with full on live-ammo and napalm. So it would be interesting.