Anarchists believe that Pedophiles are the victims, anyone who says otherwise is privileged and not anarchist

1  2020-06-04 by Actic_Reddit

You know pedophiles? Those who fantasize about fucking kids? Yeah those dudes. Someone in r/anarchism believes that Pedophiles are subhumans.

And of course, those anarchists disagree.

Pedophiles have no control over their actions I can't play coy, you're asking use to genocide a bunch of human beings because they will potentially rape a child which makes you a potential MURDERER who deserves to be killed Yes I will my child be near a pedophile knowing the risks of the pedophiles. I'm for restorative justice and believe pedophiles should have rights to be near children.

One user who's been sexually abused believes that pedophiles do deserve help but rapists can go die or be tortured. Many are still not happy.

You can't ask somebody to die. That's still not okay. I believe in restorative justice and....

Pretty obvious that many anarchists care so much about the poor pedophiles. It's sick to truly kill a bunch of people who fantasize about fucking kids, but remember, they're just thoughts, not actions.

My last thread on r/anarchism, probably. Who knows...


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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  1. Anarchists believe that Pedophiles ... -,

  2. r/anarchism -,*

  3. -,

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Anarchism is idiotic from top to bottom and you're an idiot for ever believing any of it, hth.

I knew these spooks were upto something, stalin warned us, we didnt listen and now it is upon us

they aren't even anarchists, don't listen to those retards.


Calm down the ableism bro

Pedophiles have no control over their actions

this makes sense

which makes you a potential MURDERER who deserves to be killed


As a Deuxchad, I only accept the radical centrist answer. Rehabilitate them if they didn't do anything illegal yet, publicly execute them if they did.

Completely agree with you, as should any non-moron.

This subject always brings out the worst badass virtue signallers. Sure buddy you're gonna kill paedophiles with your bare hands, suuuure.

this and anytime someone hurts a doggerino

Anarchism is the single most retarded ideology in existence.