The Real Reason Black Men are Rioting in America

1  2020-06-04 by TrewishJanny


Jonah Adam (Cardeli) Falcon (born July 29, 1970) is an American actor and television presenter. He came to national attention in 1999 over the size of his penis, reported to be the largest on record at 13.5 inches (34 cm) long when erect.


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We’re doing drugs. If i wanted to hear “don’t do it man” or any other sort of social stigma about wanting to put meth in my ass I would have asked my mom what her thoughts were. Obviously if I’m ready to put meth in my ass and I want to know whether or not I should take a shit first, I’ve already made up my mind. It’s going up there.


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som polis killed this man?

Falcon appeared on The Daily Show on March 2, 2010, and stated that he can completely ”envelop a doorknob with his foreskin” What the fuck

you would if you could, bitch

Penis Pride World Wide 🍆 👌