Bluecheck journalist slapfight as fragile fro-ed foid gets owned with facts and logic

2  2020-06-04 by YankDownUnder


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Replies are filled with indignant blue checks with 'How dare you question a black woman in this day and age?' types of replies.

Example Nr. 342578754664635 of why "journalists" suck

Journalism is for subhumans, with very few exceptions.


Soys vs joggers vs bat eaters

What a time to be alive.

journoids SEETHE

Is there anything more pathetic than being a journalist in 2020?

At least influencers are entertaining

My posts are demand-influenced. People feel the need to positively influence themselfes from others. The idiot is a part of the social system and as such has a vital part to play in society as he provides the chance for others to look down on him as he's doing such idiotic things. The internet has desensitised the general public. Someone whos erratically yelling things isn't as off-putting as it used to be when the village idiot was doing that job. People demand weird content that is crossing the boarders of social norms. People putting their bathroom usage on social media seem to be what people want to see. Actually, they are weird, much weirder than most of the other content here. As you can see, this content gets upvoted. You may not like it, but this content is satisfying the need for which people come to this subreddit.


  1. Bluecheck journalist slapfight as f... -,

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