USleftists today have developed an array of identity groups centering around ethnic, gender and lifestyle issues. These groups treat their respective grievances as something apart from class struggle,and have almost nothing to say about the increasingly harsh politico-economic class injustices on us

3  2020-06-04 by IncelTankie


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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Didn't read lol


If leftists wanna be taken seriously

Ban white women from their ideology

i like dogs and they wont come without white women 🤕

Reject dogs

Embrace monkey

Talk to me when monkeys have a pulsating 8 inch dick with cum pumper upgrades for extra pleasure

Commies fuck dogs

Sure, i know that i do 😌

The modern left is a failure. Identity politics and the porn/trans obsession will be the death of these freaks. The average person finds all of this repellent.

Just look at the internet (here and elsewhere). Rightoids are sharing gardening tips and referring to each other as "kings" while leftists discuss whether or not weightlifting is ableist.

The coronacuck shit is just icing on the cake. Leftists were content to be vapid consumers and spend months indoors until a moment arose that gave them an opportunity to engage in the newest aesthetic LARP. Absolute clown world.

Again, the leftists you think of here are anarchocommunists, anarchists, and other libcucks, you wouldn't find a lot of pure ML who actually do work because they usually tend to be in unions or other things that actually try to help the working class irrespective of race,gender and culture

Fuck you dude. You don't just get to believe what I'd been thinking the whole time now that it's convenient for you. First apologize to me for your original opinions, shithead.

And look: the fact that you just very recently had those problematic opinions does not just mean that you get to be woke within a matter of clicks; you still have a lot of rethinking to do. So shut up. Say you're sorry, SHUT THE FUCK UP, and start listening: the adults are talking, and what we have to say will impact generations to come.


  1. USleftists today have developed an ... -,

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Sorry autojanny, this is just my wide array of bait posts to get that sweet sweet rightoid seethe 🤕

jonathan bowden pointed this out as the freeing of marxian philosophy from class struggle, tabula rasa equity philosophy can and will be applied to every single perceived inequity between individuals and groups

basically these people hate God

I’m a rightoid and I unironically agree with this. The left has the perfect opportunity to seize the day, and as far as I can see they’re performing a historic bungling of everything. This whole event has become soaked in identity politics to the point that you can’t make an honest critique of any action without being told that you’re racist if you don’t defer to black people. We’re at the point that people are unironically holding others fiscally and socially hostage by saying that if you don’t give money to black owned businesses you’re a racist.

Meanwhile, if you look at the stats it’s a poverty issue, not just a skin color issue. If Daddy pulls his head out of his ass (hard task, I know), and comes up with some sort of police reform bill to complement his earlier criminal justice bill, he’s going to cuck the ever living fuck out of the Dems in November.


Unlike right wing movement, leftism doesn't have that big of an international organized movement, the only ones left are getting badder with the newer generation of cuba not being class consciousness and people still thinking china is capitalist(it is but over 60 percent of the economy is under state control and the govt is openly Marxist), people are divided more than ever and instead of unification of the working class, leftists are proudly taking part in a lumpenprole protest which made trump brand ANTIFA as a terrorist organization

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if modern identity politics was a CIA/FBI/Shekel plot to undermine the leftist ideology. I like socialism, but hate most of the fags cheering it on.

Ofc it is, on the left, there have been a new generation of theorists who are ABC(Anything but class) theorists, they will give you hundreds of examples on how ethnicity, gender and culture is important for a job but would never say about the class as a whole which is exploited more so than any other subset. When you point out this correction in their fragile theories you would get called names like racist, misogynist for not identifying with an individual struggle rather than the struggle as a whole

r/stupidpol is a sub that talks about this, you should check it out OP

I was a member of stupidpol then left it due to ideological differences, there were a lot of conservatives, and i dont like explaining shit again and again