Spic looter thinks he can culturally appropriate the jogger uniform, gets rude awakening

3  2020-06-04 by Toe_of_Patriarchy


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Good riddance.

Damn that was a white guy

Race armor not so strong now crakka eh

I am more worried for the cop, joggers usually its no problem but with whiteys it's not that easy

Neck tattoos and a grill make you not-white

Lol I’ve met people like this, in real life. They truly never measure up in anything they do. They can’t maintain eye contact, they don’t ever really accomplish anything, this is his only outlet because he’s too spineless, weak, and awkward to do anything else. He goes from sub to sub crying about some kind of criminal high fantasy as if anyone would ever notice him in real life. Someone’s probably bullying him as we speak lmao.


  1. Spic looter thinks he can culturall... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Title says his hands were up but the article says his hands were "above his waist" where a hammer was tucked into his pants 🤔🤔🤔