What did xhe mean by this?

11  2020-06-04 by AnotherManBill


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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treat blacks like animals

Hello, based department?

I like animals though.

But I like black people though.

u wot


based and non-binary pilled

Based and heckin valid

Based and stinking gash pilled

I think xhe hit a progressive level so high reality glitched and turned full circle

once again for the millionth time this week, horseshoe theory is proven correct

She does own a pitbull, so...

Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand.


  1. What did xhe mean by this? - archive.org, archive.today

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Yo, based?

Based troon

The “Pro Union” and “Furry” tags give it away.

now I don’t believe you when you say you are who you say youare. Good bye

Uh oh. To all my followers I must apologize deeply for ever thinking this alt right nazi “”parody”” account, that seemed to have the same left ideology as us, was just a troll account. It took awhile to realize, but apparently this account is mocking us by using very similar language and social cues (screaming at DRUMPers when they accost us = WIN!)

Don’t worry though. I’ve got some tricks up my sleeve 😏

> TFW I’ve officially BLOCKED you and The Cancelation is imminent, BLORMPH 😈

Oh no, this one died, better get another


White girls fuck dogs.

That would be unfair to animals

based and heckin valid kween

Dixielandpilled tranny

Hell no, why would I beat my dog?