Arrr slash Me_irl

1  2020-06-04 by WarDamnStrasserist


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I feel a lot better about those stupid take a knee pictures now that I know the cops mostly got up afterwards and kicked the shit out of the kids.

Still feel kind of gross about the kneeling though.

I am being serious: none of you are intelligent enough to understand why you're stupid. Usually I'm memeing or injecting a little bit of irony for fun but there is no irony here. All of you, with one or two exceptions, have little more than a thimbleful of political credibility and it stems from your complete inability to think through or research your points beyond coming to a conclusion spoon-fed to you by the culture around you since birth. None of you have the intellectual capacity to question the world around you and at least half of you don't even have the potential to develop it.


  1. Arrr slash Me_irl -,

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This entire generation of police are going to be some mean, truly nasty motherfuckers after all this. All that cop stuff retards broke? Taxpayers are buying them new shit. These fucktarded lib cities are hemorrhaging money on cop overtime as well. Congratulations! Love to see it!

Vote blue for more police brutality, these idiots will keep voting regardless what you do to them