Why, sisters, are we so lonely?

1  2020-06-05 by FroppyHoppyMyFloppy


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I believe women are evil and that the gender of the devil is female. Products of the female psyche including liberalism, political correctness, multiculturalism, promotion of the metrosexual (woman with a penis), yoga and Marxism are all evil. Humanity will become redeemed when women become human beings. Right now they are mercenaries and blame everything on men. Pure evil.


  1. Why, sisters, are we so lonely? - archive.org, archive.today

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But virtually all men abuse women all the time. They are like genetically programed to abuse women. Even if they don't physically hit you, the men around you will abuse you by the way they take up space, the loud volume of their voices, the violent nature of the way they move their arms and body. Hell, just their creepy and looming presence is enough to make most women nervous.

Fuckin' based.

And w*men enjoy every second of it. These broads are just jealous.

Segregate races and sexes

Some bonus content about an old article that has been causing reddit foids to embarrass themselves for several years.

you ever notice just how much pain your neck is in

i buy all these nice pillows but it never helps

Inclining your neck to much is going to hurt it. You may also not have enough neck and upper shoulder support. Do you sleep with your pillow only under your head? If you do try moving your further up the pillow so that the bottom of it is under and supporting your neck.

Like the other dude said, also try without pillow. Side sleeping using your arm as a pillow is good enough for monke.

try sleeping without pillows, it worked for me

how wtf

like head on your matress?