Confederate statue vandalized

1  2020-06-05 by Darkageoflaw


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Ghandi was human garbage anyway, Idk why we even let them put that staue up

In 1903, when Gandhi was in South Africa, he wrote that white people there should be "the predominating race." He also said black people "are troublesome, very dirty and live like animals."

idk I kinda like him

I read a book about him that was written by his grandson and in the beginning he was constantly saying stuff like "well nobody is perfect he didn't like black people because he was bullied by them in South Africa, but later he preached peace and understood where the hate stems from" "black people weren't really that kind" etc and in the end he talks about how mad Gandhi was at the USA for allowing the KKK to operate there. Really funny shit.

My neocon family bought that book for me, really weird, they tried to educate me on leftist views and pacifism despite always bitching about commies.

Guess he was right

Some guy made a fucking meme trying to frame it as being the same as domestic abuse and the people calling him out on it were being downvoted in the comments and being told that it was “just a meme”. One of mine got threaded to r/deuxrama or whatever that fasch sub is called, because r/battlefieldv notoriously houses actual fascists who can blend in thanks to the viral Wehrabooism.


  1. Confederate statue vandalized -,

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Gandhi was an enabler

I wonder if Lincoln and the union leaders would rethink everything if they could see society now?