Freddy Mercury knows what's up (I won't apologize for bad quality. reject photoshop. return to ms paint)

1  2020-06-05 by Kuolla_Nuomalla97


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I'm just big boned bitch

Fuck off Cartman

You cant tell me what to do bitch

Neither can you tell me, so why did you do that, space commie?

Because i can, i am your future wife bitch

What a fucked up perception you have of the nuclear family. No wonder considering the way you wish to solve capitalism.

That said, as long as there ain't a dick hidden under that skirt, I'm fine with you being my wife and constantly whining about what I should do, you old bitch.

bruh i have had too many gay chats today, i dont want any more bussy shit, go to aRe/dirtypenpals for sexting like a normal person

Faggot I was talking about how I hope you aren't a tranny, "future wife"

Imagine liking gussy 🤢🤢🤢

horseshoe theory is many dimensional


  1. Freddy Mercury knows what's up (I w... -,

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whys green crying. haha

I never found a single muscular wojak meme where wasn't crying.

Make one, fatty.

This really says a lot about our society.

/r/BrapBarn off the charts

hello fellow rancher

Bottom and top right should be changed over. Other than that tho, pretty good

Nah I thought it should be that way because normal people don't think about the way fat people smell, even if it's because they hate them.

What about when they put their fatass next to you in the bus? You inevitably notice 🤢

I have unironically never encountered a fat person in my entire life, so far point I guess.

The place for "love for fat people" and "healthy sexuality" should be empty.

Idk there are tons of sjws talking about how fat people can be healthy (Even if they themselves aren't fat) and how "fat is beautiful". With "love for fat people" I actually don't necessarily mean love, just that they really like them and don't hate them. The extreme of that of course is wither sexually loving them or just pretending fat people are superior to thin people.

Fat women are hot

If I were dictator I would put all fatties in fat camps. Unironically.

What sane man wouldn't

whales gonna seeth but fat = uuuuugly



sam hyde is fat but more based than all of you bitch ass niggas

explain that


literally inferior

how does that work? White nationalism doesn't immediately make you a superior white person. You're basically a useful idiot who will be put to death by the national socialist regime (hopefully) when you're a fat nazi.
