Cause day and night The lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night He's all alone somethings will never change The lonely loner seems to free his mind at night

1  2020-06-05 by IncelTankie


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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The modern revisionists and reactionaries call us Stalinists, thinking that they insult us and, in fact, that is what they have in mind. But, on the contrary, they glorify us with this epithet; it is an honor for us to be Stalinists for while we maintain such a stand the enemy cannot and will never force us to our knees.

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Have you posted bussy yet?


  1. Cause day and night The lonely ston... -,

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Just did 😎

I seem unable to find it anywhere 😨


Is kid cudi based???
