Spiting your family for likes and dopamine rushes on social media

1  2020-06-05 by Pampibambi


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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It’s time to make DeuxChat a discord

Please renounce your family under this sticky.

Minimum 300 characters.

Please do the right thing, you owe it.

My grandpa is racist. Im also his favorite grandson kek

I get wanting to separate yourself from your family for a million reasons. Being treated like shit or just ignored growing up, having them use college funds your relatives gifted to you on their own stuff, etc. Plenty of material reasons to hate or just want to disassociate with family. Of all those reasons, "because politics" is the most pathetic one that I can't relate to at all. You have to literally programmed with lines of code to think this way.

What the fuck is this, has to be fake or a joke.


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  1. Spiting your family for likes and d... - archive.org, archive.today

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My favorite stupid is white people stupid

I’m perpetually amazed at how white people can be so self loathing. It’s a complete opposite of concepts like black pride. Obviously “white pride” has negative connotations for a lot of people, but damn, just be comfortable in your own skin.

This is the result of a lifetime of indoctrination and reinforcement. Very sad!

They've literally had 70+ years of propaganda telling them that they are evil.

Do they know that joggers don't like whitey in general and they laugh at the simping self hating mayo

They dont have any black friends and when they see blacks irl they roll up their windows

Its all about posturing among their own group of pasty mayos

No because they view themselves as white messiahs and as a result they must overlook flaws in others, especially minorities because a) they think minorities can’t help themselves (which is racist), and b) they believe that they must suffer in order to fix things, which goes back to the messiah complex.

Oh so he joined a gang, dealt drugs, and killed 5 people? Well it's not his fault! It's systematic oppression! He had no choice!!

He had no choice. He was poor and had to bang to survive.

they think if they hate themselves then black people will like them

too bad they're still hated

As a nonwhite, I find it so unnatural, so weird, how white people absolutely despise the idea of thinking of their race's interest, how much they despise themselves, even though literally every other race does that.

I know right. I too see that. It must alt right neo-nazi belief to be proud of being white at the very least. Everyone should be proud of their race and associated culture, art, customs etc. Invariably everyone. No race can be held particularly unique in terms of their mis/deeds, because it's few individuals who have achieved great things as the other few who have done terrible things; for the rest... the huge majority of us are just ordinary people striving to live a life. No race can be and should be summarily judged. That attempt is imbecile.

Jews did this to us

Indoctrination via public school, media, and entertainment is very effective. NEVER be proud of your race, family, or traditions. Seek independence and consume at all costs. Turn your back on love.

Based and matzopilled

What's there to be proud of? Honestly. I face no daily struggle. I have no family traditions beside those of most people in the country, which is gathering for holidays. Society is built for us.

I feel like working for the rights of minorities is embracing love. Not sure how you turned that one around.

I feel like working for the rights of minorities is embracing love. Not sure how you turned that one around.

Just wait until you become one 😂

The only group with a low/negative ingroup preferece is liberal whites. You will be annihilated.

Other's do not share your noble morality.

Because it was all stripped away from you over the last century lmao retard

No one should be proud of their race because no one alive today had anything to do with the accomplishments of their ancestors. It's fucking retarded. Take pride in yourself and your own achievements.

Being ashamed of your race, is even more retarded though

True. No one should feel either.

Right, I think the idea of racial supremacy is dumb. You can point to the accomplishments of your race, but you took no part in them. Thats just glorifying the past. we are all just different at the end of the day, not better or worse overall.

Thats different from thinking about your race's interests, though. Thinking about your people's interests is important. That is living in the now, and looking into the future of your people, preserving your heritage, precisely because all of it is under attack.

The neoliberal idea of "everyone should just think about their individual interests, and race shouldn't matter" is retarded. The fact of the matter is, people have natural inclinations towards their race, and if you don't do the same, you will be crushed.

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this is why you can never trust a white leftoid. they are too unpredictable and their thought processes are too divorced from normal

this is why you can never trust a white leftoid. they are too unpredictable and their thought processes are too divorced from normal

Fixed it

rightoids and centrons dont have the self hatred outgroup preference, they are more like the other normal races

Don't have an out group preference (except for Asian women), but do hate the other self hating whites. If gangs actually want to beat or kill the self hating white libs, no one would care. The gangs wouldn't be perused by anyone but the cops and only because it's their job. Its not like armed rednecks are going to play Captain Save A Ho for the white protestors if they're in trouble. Once other races learn this, they could have a field day.


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They're still fucked in the head, tho

Just in different ways

ok prove it then

Simple: they're still mayos

But seriously, tho, the right is still just as insane as the left

MDE zoomers are neets who think every problem in their fentanyl-fueled lives can be somehow be traced back to Tyrone's Big Black Cock (which they definitely don't want any of) and to a Jew Chad who drinks Palestinian fetuses for breakfast

Yet even then, these zoomers still are orders of magnitudes more based than the cuckservatives and Karens who used to run the Western World back when the 30yo boomers were still kids

All those things we blame the left of - of being virtue signalers, of cancelling people... all this stuff was also done by the right when it was the mainstream political ideology

Hitler was white, you wouldn't trust him? Libtard

Non-mayo and in the third world, this shit makes zero sense to me but then I remember that for all this bullshit mayos say on social media about helping "pocs" like me they never actually help anybody, its all thoughts and prayers

Its not disturbing imo to be really egalitarian, thinking about everyone first before your people, but its that they seem to be suicidal. A whole race of people just abandoned everything they believed in, religion, philosophy, morals etc. and openly pray for its destruction.

Serious post over fuck foids they did this

How hard is to not hate blacks without being a creepy neurotic weirdo about it? The corny 90s "I don't see color" thing was probably a lot more appealing to normal people than whatever this actual mental illness is lmao. If you just asked people to be nice to everybody like 95% of whites would agree but now there's a million hoops to jump through to swear allegiance to a race cult.

The funniest part is white people created all this ideology for themselves, none of it was black people's idea. Basically all of these critical theory white ally people who started this in the universities are white themselves or jewish. Strange times we live in.

White guy here. What interests do I need to think of? Honest question. We dominate society. We make the rules and enforce them. I live in a society built by and for white people.

When I speak for the rights of minorities, it is in the interests of all of humanity. Our own white guy interests are already taken care of.

Edit: Ask question, get downvotes. As is tradition.

I didnt downvote you, but let me explain:

You had a 90% share of America's population just several decades ago, but now its 55%. You will become an absolute minority soon. That in and of itself, becoming a minority in a country your race constructed is against its interests, obviously. Changing the demographics of this country means changing America fundamentally, and it will cease to be a great country. Culture is at the end of the day a reflection of demographics.

This country is on the road of South Africa. Yes you will hold the majority of power and influence, even after becoming a minority. But what happened in South Africa, when the minority holds a majority of wealth? Great contempt for whites from other races... They already have contempt for you now, imagine what it will be like then...

Start deporting illegals, stop immigration. Get rid of affirmative action. Get rid of welfare programs. Start reproducing at replacement rates. Fix the skyrocketing white suicide rate.

(Im not literally asking for you personally to do these things, but these are white interests that people are ignoring)

Didn't downvote; here's my take:

Firstly I think we have to think above or beyond race if we are to progress as a species.

When the society you refer to originated by (white) majority, they established it for people, they dominated it and made laws and rules, enforced it for themselves, as you said.

Now, the society is also onjectively suitable for people of different races as well. Because they are people with similar needs, aspirations and wants. Societies around the world dominated by members of different races do have similar patterns. Because, people live there.

When we speak of the rights of the minority (race here), we have to make sure that society is equitable to them. They too can achieve their potentials just like the majority. To me it's as simple. Now if there is any tangible, definitive factor which gets in the way of this equitability based on someone's race, we must as a society purge them.

Imo this approach fundamentally addresses the issues of humanity (as it should be), instead of e.g. white or asian interests because they are people and people do not have unique race-based requirements or interests.

progress as a species

What kind of brain damage is this?

This is a mental illness.

deuxrama or the post



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And amerimutts think Europe is cucked

The cuckery of mayos never ceases to amuse

i am going to fedpost

Mrs obama get down

Based glowie

Glow and be free

Some problems just solve themselves.

Wait you need a lawyer to change a name in the US? thought it would just be a matter of filling out a form lol


You have to pay tribute to do anything here

don't you dare forget about the 10 schmulian, goy

Because he's not gonna do it, its all a play for social points

Like all those who said they were gonna leave murrica if orange man bad won

fellow white people

This whole shitfest has made me go from 9 layers of irony posting to like 3.

I lost my race today. They're not dead (yet), just self-hating. I'm now asian (Siberian Europeans rise up)

old dumb and ugly will pay the toll sooner or later, living in the black neighborhood

1.9 million likes

lets be real anyone who is willing to disown their family over politics never had a good relantionship in the first place

If you’re willing to disown family because of politics, you have a mental illness.

I can’t stress enough that this is not a healthy thing to do

My mom's maiden name is White. Can confirm, huge white supremacist she is.

It's perfect timing for a comeback, Rebecca Black.

I know a black with the last name White
