Wtf, i love Sweden now?

4  2020-06-05 by BannanaBriefcase


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"That's it! No more Mr. Nice Cuck!"

they are breaking the conditioning, and it's beautiful

imagine being in sweden and cucking over some random shit that happened in USA


good goyim

He went full on viking.

The ethnic Swedish male cops generally aren't that embarrassing. The female cops, however, do exactly what you expect them to do:

Why does she look like she's in a jihadi beheading video?

She's auditioning



Why does she look like she's in a jihadi casting couch video?

It’s nice that the video doesn’t show police telling them to disperse before, almost as if that doesn’t suit the narative.

All Cops Are Based

All these videos of “protesters” getting the shit beat out of them make me laugh so much.

Stupid collage age white girls getting what’s coming to their moronic self.

Serious question- when was the last time you got laid?

God damn that bitch on the left @ 0:14 got a fat ass

Look at that ass on that white woman dam

How easy is it to become a riot police officer? Just curious

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  1. Wtf, i love Sweden now? -,

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Just a few days ago I saw some clip here on reddit that had some Swedish subway cop tackle and take down two guys. All the bug people in the comments kept going “BETTER THAN BURGERLAND LOL” “OH SO NOW WE SEE WHAT A REAL POLICE OFFICER LOOKS LIKE!”

Turns out that the police in any country may get violent with you during a protest. Wonder why a job that requires you to get aggressive during civil disruptions might lead to violence?

Life is just a nideo game, you either "aim for the legs" or "just knock him out", why don't cops (are being overrun by a hoard of savages in mob mode) play nice like bideo game?

Um, dude, I beat Metal Gear Solid 3 without killing anyone. It's easy. Why don't the police just use those tranq rounds? It's so easy it puts people to sleep in 2 seconds.

lol just stay perfectly calm while hundreds of people screech and throw shit at you during a worldwide pandemic also you now have like 700 liters of adrenaline in your blood good luck!

Obviously if you say this to the brainlets they’ll just say


Mayos are doomed

Uh cops are supposed to be highly trained though? When someone tries to gut them with a knife they should just sidestep and disarm (WITHOUT hurting the poor poor knife wielder!)

Awww, that stick on the pussypass lady with the blue pants!


"No, sthap hiting him"

*gets hit for interfering with riot police*


*silently endure the pain and learn nothing.*

Looks like Sweden isn't cucked, after all!

The people are, look how quick they ran away


They’re whiteflighting to gentrify a neighborhood




Yo sweden kinda based doe

Brb moving to arabla... I mean Sweden

Swedistan's cops are actually capable of doing something right?

i wish these swedish cops would go to rinkeby and other muslim no-go zones... last ones we had offered tea and got pelted with rocks

rinkeby and husby are where the first armoured cars will be going once DeuxChads are in charge😎😎


Why use valuable people when you can just drone strike them like the Black Kang Obama did?

This comment glows and has no idea what property seizure is. We want some mullah from getting those shacks free and intact and improving them for middle class Swedish families to buy. You'd be surprised what you can decorate a brutalist concrete jungle with to make it look neoclassical. Can't have any more property damage than broken fences, shattered bus shelters, and collapsed lightpoles, and such places are already in that state. You see our regime will be not only based, but entrepreneurial. Being the lord of the land means you can be a landlord too.

say whatever you want, the cop has a good command of his little stick !

you can almost feel the leftoid pain


4 dudes shouting vs brown mob

If this is Sweden why is everyone in the video brown?

Only immigrants and extreme leftoids give a shit about a racial movement on another continent

Did the whole immigration thing wear them down?

Who is them


I think so. The government has cut down on the number of immigrants they're taking even tho it's leftist. Immigration has declined since 2016 where it was at its peak

Is the right wing gaining steam or is still going to be the left am curious

Somewhat increased support for the left according to recent polls

I really need to stop noticing things

Because only they and a few Swedish teenage girls who want to virtue signal care about this shit.


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Oh yeah, them too.

The few Sweden's who still feel that viking blood. This is what you do. Fuck bending the knee.

Just got to let those swedish cops blow off some steam.

holy fuck


There’s so many of them and all the officers only have sticks, what a bunch of wimps

Edit: and a bunch of retarded coomers in that comment section of course

I love the police.

Those were just love taps. That's just the gentle embrace of Swedish social democracy. People are getting upset by this but you should be so lucky!

How much medical debt do you have? I have about $7k.

The man being beaten with the baton? $0.

Sweden has had enough!

Damn, people sure want to be oppressed in 2020.

but muh based socialist paradise!?

Isn't sweden all white? This looks like a city in America.

Most of the protesters are non-european immigrants. Are you surprised?


Damn bruh nice Saab 9-3 Sportcombi in the background. That's a 2011 model guaranteed.

Based swedes reclaiming their country