Doomers are REALLY salty that Memorial Day hasn't caused a new outbreak

9  2020-06-05 by Lifting_Sexytimes


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Nah, George Floyd was a hero, and he destroyed the second wave. He died to save us from the coronavirus.

He honestly was a hero. The man single-handedly trapped all the Coronavirus from the second wave within his body, so it wouldn't get out to infect anybody else

You can't even approach the selfless nature of this man, keeping the virus from spreading like that. He's a beacon for the rest of us to live up to


Except if you’re protesting!



Fentanyl Floyd is Black Jesus confirmed, he died to save us.

he died for our sins

From what I've seen on the corona subs, they're just pretending it did.

This time I have 3 years stock of toilet paper !

Bring it on Corona

imagine the collective cognitive dissonance of all those "RemindMe 2 weeks" DMs because some mayos were having a pool party getting completely ignored because it goes against the current single matter they're able to focus on

RemindMe bot banned for being alt-right adjacent

Cases are indeed starting to go up. And between the protests and the reopening you’ll see more.

Everyone is mostly in masks now which helps a ton, but it’s not a panacea.

Nothing doomer about it, we’ll be fine even if some more people die.

I'm in AZ and many of the hospitals here are at capacity, my cousin organizes a lot of local liberal activists in the area and her nurse friends are begging her to get people to stop protesting, but she's white so if she tells them to stop people will just call her racist.

Yeah Chauvin sure did all of us a solid, the dumb fuck.'s all his fault...not the fault of the rioters and murderers.

Also, It's Spez's fault if I go riot tomorrow because he's a douchebag who likes to censor people on Reddit. I won't be to blame, because how can I possibly be expected not to act like an animal when something makes me mad?

You dumb fuck, it's the legal and peaceful protests that are going to create the jump in the infections - the rioters and looters are a tiny fraction of the numbers in comparison - and paradoxically the activity lends itself to more distancing.

And yeah, that asshole set it all off, so fuck him.

Lol where in AZ. My gf is a nurse and she said that they're dead in phoenix

Prescott and Yuma for sure, I think its mostly the places close to reservations. I am not sure why natives got hit so hard but masks were even getting shipped in from Ireland earlier.

I guess they had a case where they had a lady that only spoke Navajo had covid but couldn't really communicate her symptoms so nobody knew she had it. A bunch of staff got exposed but only the surgeon ended up getting it. I got tested for antibodies and came back negative.

The shit is weird as fuck for sure. As far as the res goes, I think it comes down to poor nutrition and people living in close proximity to one another. If you have diabetes and vitamin d deficiency, you're more likely to get it. It's taking out the poors at higher rates than wealthier people.

Hopefully they come up with a good treatment for it, because poor people are fuckin cool as fuck, in my experience. I wish it disproportionately affected white college liberals, but hey 🤷‍♂️

Poors suck and I'm happy them and their families are gonna die to the Black Death 2

begging her to get people to stop protesting

Unfortunately this is like begging a withered branch to break off, and expecting the root of the tree to be fine.

Our problem is what provoked the protests. Solve that problem, and we wouldn't have had protests in the first place. Another problem is obviously hospitals being undersupplied and understaffed, and not being able to handle the influx of patients, particularly due to victims of the pandemic filling up beds. If we had solved that problem, then the exacerbation of the pandemic due to protests wouldn't matter, as the hospitals could just take on whoever comes in.

But either way, even though we can't turn the clock back and prevent this, we still won't get anywhere pointing fingers at protesters. Some may not call her a racist, but they may still call her naive for thinking that putting a protest of this volume on hold just isn't plausible. And considering every protester you see with a mask, you have to assume they understand the risk and weighed the protests as being more important.

Whether you're a nurse or not, it's not difficult to connect the dots and understand why these protests are happening and to just accept it as a necessary movement despite the pandemic. And whether you're a nurse or not, it would seem much more productive to point fingers at the roots of the problems, not the results of such problems. I mean, if we waved a wand to stop the protests, that would put a bandaid on a scraped arm rather than addressing our head wound. It's like clearing a chess board of its set pieces--those set pieces will just end up on the board again for the next game. You have to flip the entire board.

And even if you want to avoid the bottom root of the problem, and still point fingers at the surface? You still don't need to blame protesters. You can just as easily blame the system for not enacting fundamental reform--that's what the protests are for. If we simply received basic justice, this will all be over. Proposals for fundamental reforms are all over the table from many different established campaigns right now--they just need to say, "okay, we'll follow these demands--we may not be able to enact them immediately, but okay, we'll do it." Imagine blaming Joe Schmo for complaining about injustice, instead of blaming the elite for maintaining such injustice and not doing anything about it. We're in a fucked situation, but if your sympathies prefer the elite over the common citizen, that's truly wack.

If you really want the protests to stop, then blame this waiting game phase for change--it's unnecessary. These protests can stop any day if the elite care for necessary reform. The fact that they apparently do not means they don't mind if the pandemic is exacerbated. I'd think that's ground for optimal blame.

Bitch, no one's reading this shit.




Only boomers actually need to worry about being chinked.

I think the highlight of my year will be when I saw a post of a vid of some parents ripping down caution tape so their kids could use the swings at the park, and some subhuman wished "karma would collapse the swing-set so they could understand what caution tape was for". The absolute sheep mentality, and these people are allowed to vote , and get your children sent to war.


The mayor of Chicago asked the rioters to self quarantine for 14 days. That's a real thing that actually happened.

"All I wanted was a giant TV and a shitton of liquor, and now the fascist pigs are locking me up."


Cowabunga, dude.

I wonder if these people are aware that the only public opinion shift that comes from them appearing anywhere at all is a slight increase in favorability towards eugenics.


  1. Doomers are REALLY salty that Memor... -,

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Wouldn't be surprised if protests are being organized by Russians hoping to force a second wave, lol.

Chinks are more likely

28k new cases today. But you know, your narrative...
