You can take your ban and bang yourself in the ass with it. Go ahead and pretend it's me tearing up your ugly starfish. Banning me is a chicken shit move. Enjoy life living in fear. I don't if I've ever made post in your sub. You people are a joke. I've already spanked a few of you and I didn't bother rubbing it in your faces because I'm a nice guy. My work is done on Reddit. I just got paid. No run along and dry each others tears. I've already won
1 AutoModerator 2020-06-05
Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.
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1 SnapshillBot 2020-06-05
You can take your ban and bang yourself in the ass with it. Go ahead and pretend it's me tearing up your ugly starfish. Banning me is a chicken shit move. Enjoy life living in fear. I don't if I've ever made post in your sub. You people are a joke. I've already spanked a few of you and I didn't bother rubbing it in your faces because I'm a nice guy. My work is done on Reddit. I just got paid. No run along and dry each others tears. I've already won
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