Based England????😱🤯

1  2020-06-05 by BosserEnder101


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"Interesting photography, but how will it draw in more readers?"


Did Snapchat just publicly advertise interracial sex? 😳

What would you expect from Snapchat when they promote 11 year old gays 😞😭


U mean interspecies sex

Sharia morality police when?

This but unironically

You can take your ban and bang yourself in the ass with it. Go ahead and pretend it's me tearing up your ugly starfish. Banning me is a chicken shit move. Enjoy life living in fear. I don't if I've ever made post in your sub. You people are a joke. I've already spanked a few of you and I didn't bother rubbing it in your faces because I'm a nice guy. My work is done on Reddit. I just got paid. No run along and dry each others tears. I've already won


  1. Based England????😱🤯 -,

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Black men with white women are the future so just keep coping white boys.

Post feet

I concur

Shut up and suck my cock before I rape you

Gringos be seething

They're all soft, nice dick collage tho

Like half of them are erect, and most of who are soft still have it micro. Blacks are usually showers so if a jogger has a small soft dick it's most likely small when erect as well.


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Still against the statistical average tho. You're coping, saw you cope under another post too lmao.

against the statistical average


A study of 253 men from Tanzania found that the average stretched flaccid penis length of Tanzanian males is 11 cm (4.53 inches) long, smaller than the worldwide average, stretched flaccid penis length of 13.24 cm (5.21 inches), and average erect penis length of 13.12 cm (5.17 inches).[29]

A study of 115 men from Nigeria found that the average flaccid stretched penis length of Nigerian males is 13.37 cm (5.26 inches) long, which is near identical to the worldwide average, stretched flaccid penis length of 13.24 cm (5.21 inches) and average erect penis length of 13.12 cm (5.17 inches).[30] A 2015 systematic review of 15,521 men found "no indications of differences in racial variability", and stated that it was not possible to draw any conclusions about size and race from the available literature and that further research needed to be conducted.[1]

Lul cope, anyone who's been in a shower with his team knows the truth. Real world experience>Shady study using very few people.

I already said that blacks are showers, not growers.

Showers - big flaccid dicks that only grow slightly when erect.

Growers - smaller flaccid dicks that grow a lot when erect.

Neither correlate to erect size. Unless you've been in the shower with erect black and white guys, you can't tell the difference in erect size by looking at their flaccid dicks because there's no correlation between flaccid and erect size.

Shady study using very few people.

A study of 253 men A study of 115 men Systematic review of 15521 men

Also what makes you think the studies are shady? They're from respectable urologists and published on pubmed. You're coping hard.

"Real world experience" lmao what an unscientific brainlet and a fagg0t you need to be to say that.

So funny how I easit get u triggered enough to type a wall of text, cope more.

Nice rebuttal. So funny how I easily reduced you to nothing, cope more.

man im so impressed by ur online debating skills u really reduced me to rubble!! u got me so hard!! 🤡

Lmao why do you keep replying? Why do you defend the bbc myth so hard? What race are you? I'm guessing you're either black or a massive white cuck.

Lmao why do you keep replying?

Right back at ya. I just find itt funny how angry u are about penises, cmon lol. Muh dick fag, stay mad with ur lil dick.

I would be angry too if my race was inevitable going extinct. 😭

Go back to your 300lbs 45 year old divorcee, Jamal

News articles?

stay mad mdefag