You flew too close to the sun, Icarus

1  2020-06-05 by JanjaKa


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shut it down

RIP. The hood lost another true one today...

Shut. It. Down.

Wait. Who is in charge of BLM?


Some guy in a suit in a highrise somewhere.

with a big nose and a scraggly beard.

And with a funny hat on his head

Yea I looked it up could only find 3 black chicks

Same, and they seem like normal people. Don’t believe everything you read in this shitbox.

normal people

Early life says otherwise

What’s his name tho




One of whom is Jewish apparently

BLM was started by a bunch of black lesbians.

Black people are in charge of BLM but a super old jewish man helps fund them

His name is george soros

Funny title. Upvoted 😃😃😃

this place overtook /r/coomer and /r/braincels as the funniest subreddit

god incels are so good at making memes

remember the Robert memes? the memes making fun of MGTOW? that place was a humour goldmine, albeit also a suifuel minefield.

/r/IncelsWithoutHate is slowly regaining that humour of the fallen incel subs, which is nice because the sub won't get banned (I think...)

Incels without hate basically means incels but not funny

Incels but castrated

Snippedcels, if you would

More like /incelswithoutdicks

the head mod is a fat blaque chick, lol

robert was a /tv/ meme

Yes we did say incels already

Formerly Sneed's

It's because they lack political correctness. Too much of the funny shit isn't socially acceptable anymore.

incels lack self awareness

The glory of r/mde will never be surpassed... although this sub is getting there

Best sub r*ddit ever had

Once this sub gets to ~50k users mods are gonna need to make it private.

It needs to be set private NOW. Enough basedposters around already

how come i found that one 3 days before it got banned? im not lucky

What is mde

12 year old tryhard rightoids

Yeah but what’s MDE mean

millions of dicks eaten


Million Dollar Extreme. Look up Sam Hyde and some of the sketches and stuff he's done over the years. My personal favorite is his Ted talk

I like his discussion of car finance the most.


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/r/powerfulbadboys came close

I miss r/gamersriseup

I followed it and got a laugh every now and then but it was a shitpost subreddit.

TBF, that's not a very high bar to get over

Especially when they don’t exist anymore. Technically everyone here is funnier than George Carlin

Not true because some people are negative funny

because they got banned? lol

There's also r/RightCantMeme, it's pretty rare for them to find and up-vote an actually shitty and unfunny meme.

Rip this sub

The absolute state of deuxrama lmao

Ok incel

Poor girl. I am sure she had some problems, I wouldnt have thought that she would commit suicide!

She was so flexible and so quick with the trigger to shoot herself that many times from behind. What a lady!


the juden dont even hide it anymore

Go make a thread on /pol/ about it MDegenerate 💪🏿🕎

pol's got it the worst. israeli flags are bold enough to turn their vpns off these days

What did you mean bold enough? Me and all Shachar’s have been posting with Israeli flag for years now. What is a retarded /pol/dittor gonna do to me? Call me a kike for the 900th time? Also I love to see rightoid screeching when he encounters his overlord. Now go pay me for another submarine filthy GOY


Goyim in shambles

gentiles BTFO





Da hood lost a real one today.

Who is she talking about

So long space cowboy.

Why do they suspend that, but all these degenerate "zoosexuals" and "MAPs" are still there?

Caaaaaareful Icarus...

Hoteps are fucking based

That profile caught too many eyes it seems.

jews. ofc.

Minecraft is the reason Gen Z is becoming so redpilled. Here's some fun things to think about:

Steve: A white male ubermensch who conquers nature and carves it into his own dominion. He builds beautiful structures and ingenious redstone technology.

Zombies: Represent the bugman. Slow, stupid, and outnumber Steve by 100 to 1. They have no ulterior motives beyond consumption.

Creepers: Represent muslims. Not only do they blow themselves up but they are also green which is a color strongly associated with Islam.

Enderman: A tall black man who steals shit and can't swim

Villagers: Big nosed merchants who live in the desert and have their hands constantly rubbed together

Notch saw that Sweden was getting cucked and made Minecraft in collaboration with Pewdiepie in an effort to redpill the Aryan youth


  1. You flew too close to the sun, Icar... -,

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Notch is such a shit poster I really wonder if Enderman and Villagers have some sort of "inspiration"

Endermen were added in the same patch as watermelon and cooked chicken

So absolutely

god damnit this comment is hilarious.


Shaun king is definitely black though so I don’t get it?


Fucking called it



poor guy :<

You’re not allowed to make fun of (((them))) because they will hunt you down and kill you

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we've made it to the leaderboard

Can i get some names please?

Of course its jews



good, fuck that cunt