Fragile White Redditor 🤡🌎

1  2020-06-05 by hhoppe


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Such a cuck

Good, maybe hire someone competent. Imagine he hires a Black Woman to check all the boxes, and she's secretly a Trump supporter? Reeeee lol.

Candace Owens would be perfect.

but candace nuts fit in ur mouth 😎😎😎

Go out and pick a random looter and I'm sure they will do just as good of a job as he did running this site.

Bitch nigga likely didn't even run this shithole site to begin with

Honestly even better cus normie blacks love offensive shit and hate snitching. We'd finally be able to shitpost in peace

You realize the black they hire won't have published studies in the journal of fat studies and homophobic buttfucking.

chapos are just snitches

Hey asshole. They weren’t looting. They were shopping without documentation.

Exactly. They’re representatives of democracy you fucking bigot. Those self-checkout kiosks were directly responsible for Floyd’s death & oppression simultaneously & deserved to be smashed w a claw hammer.

This is literally the truth because at least a kang would have some fucking dignity.

i hope he chooses me, a trans-racial redditor, my first decree will be forced 2 gender and banning all black people from interacting with white redditors.

I hope Dolezal lurks somewhere here to read this comment.

Guarantee you this guy has an interracial cuckhold fetish

his wife is Serena 'grunts like an orc' Williams. I mean thats pretty much a given

The fact he got triggered and forced site action over what people wrote on Reddit about her says it all, he definitely isn't totally stable and self-confident about it

Pretty sure that’s what killed MDE, people were calling her a sheboon one day and it got banned the next.

Yes, that's the one who started the bans of all the big subs in 2018. MDE, CA, BSS, you name it, he banned them.

Isn't she a Jehovah's Witnesses?

well he played his cards right with serena then, what's more cucked than getting manhandled by your wife

even fucking a man would be less gay than that droided up gorilla

That blck monster straps a dildo on and bangs him on his birthday

based wöman

Getting out before shit hits the fan and putting a black dude to take the heat. White 100.

The Eternal Mayo is eternal

Just onboarded to Ruqqus and Saidit. Just to be on the better side of freeze peach.

My vote is Malik Obama


I hoped for a ricel tbh

I don't think reddit wants anyone good with statistics running it


Ellen Pao was great

r/paoyongyang disagreed

she banned fatpeoplehate :(

I like him because he is a race-mixer.


Jesse Lee Peterson needs to apply for this role


I mean he’s the master soyboy after all

Suddenly Serena Williams takes his place and brings back pinging.

The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


  1. Fragile White Redditor 🤡🌎 -,

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sounds like orcposting is back on the menu

He kinda cute doe 😳😳😳

Gay, but not entirely inaccurate.

That’s his best angle. He looks like a ghoul straight on.


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If his wife was white he'd probably want to give her a black replacement as well.

yes yes a black lgbt criplled feminist with a tragic backstory


Isn’t it illegal to hire based on race?

He just quit the board, not his job right?

So he gets the same pay, fewer responsibilities, and a virtue signal for his beloved internet upcummies.

What? Being on the board was his job, he doesn’t have a salaried employment in the company.

So he gets the same pay

He’ll retain shares, but he’ll definitely make less money one way or another.