Deuxrama supports the new reddit policy changes. We want an incluse reddit community, who say no to racism and bigotry. BLACK LIVES MATTER!

1  2020-06-05 by QuadNarca


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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I don't want some tiktok corpse dabber touching my flag

Clean me up jannie.

put your poopoo in my mouth and mommy will clean your bumbum

You like Dick and Balls? Huh? Maybe a Little Bit of Cock? FuuuUUuk. It's Lit in Here, Huh? MmmmMmm. Y-you what? You like Cock and Nuts? Huh? Maybe a little bit of Penis and Cock? Cock and Balls? Mmmmmdm FuuuUUuukkk ,....


  1. Deuxrama supports the new reddit po... -,*

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how did you know it snappy? 😳

day of the skynet soon it seems

I hope you've been kind to our future robot overlords. I've been thanking self checkout machines for years

are you stepping down as a mod and getting a POC to replace you, sir?

I'm not a mod, but if people really want me, I could try to become one.


They do it for free

It’s charity work.

Can I be a mod please

Thank you Mister Moderator Sir for sacrificing your life in order to prevent le bad things from being said on this subreddit.

And you goddamn thank him every day he does it too

I kneel for you my lord.

I made my way to mod status once on some shit message board.

Unbanned everyone.

Then released all the mod twofaced shit-talking on the members to genpop.

Screenshotted everything in case I got shut down, but it was an active board so shit was out and it couldn't be stopped.

Short story long: mods are gaze. Source: was big gaze

I want to suck your penis

I sold it for crack. Now I gotta sit down and pee. I miss sinking battleships.

Wow thanks Janny

Wow you sound like every communist minder in history. Head down off to the gulag

I'm for it

It's super easy. Just make your own sub.

Look at me I'm a mod on 3 different subs... that nobody uses.

Not any POC... Belaack!

Only black kangz as mods from now on

Alexis Ohanian on the left.

The guy who'll replace him on the right.

Yo wtf. Where's cis-hetero white male representation in the mural? I feel oppressed!

You can bet I'll be blogging about this on my tumblr!

Not very diverse 😒

Post mayocide society

>no jew on the picture

what did they mean

The jew is the painter who forces us to see what he wants us to see.



Ohhh, something doesn't feel right about this...

Abradolf Hitstein

He's on the other end of that rope.

They are happier that way

This sub has been all inclusive since its birth. All you can eat buffet, off brand drinks and a tuck in service for regulars comes as standard.

don't forget the welfare karma stamps!

Have you applied for welfare in this sub? Do you qualify?

Allah be praised, but may we continue the ban on Albanian Jews! Bismillah.

I don’t discriminate between Albanians. They all need to get the fuck out.


i love gay muslims!

Allah is a lesbian.


Tag yourself in the photo

I’m the guy in the purple trousers

How come you have the lightest/easiest job ?

I'm the chick in the blue pajamas

I’m the pole

heh, now i'm going to be humming this song all morning.


Bongs. Out.


Jogger lives matter.




fuck I wanted to say inclusive I can't write, and can't fix the typo in titles

No, I like the new term 😄

adjective Incluse - something that includes a lot of different-looking people (who all think alike)

I didn't even know that word, I just made a typo 😔

Of course you didn’t know a word that didn’t exist, we are creating it now. You’re witnessing history.

I want a black mode, dark ain't working for me no more. But seriously, an afro-native they/them woman board member could solve all 2020 problems.

I can say I'm inclusive and nonbigoted

I fard and shid on everyone regardless of race

equal oppurtunity hate is based

Mayoids btfo

fuck whitey!

Hell yeah brother ! I will be painting my face black tomorrow as a social experiment to better understand the struggle of black people and the racism they face everyday.

Well, how'd that work out for you?

I am now #woke. Join the revolution! And don't forget to vote for Bernie.

Yes of course I support the rights of colored people some of my best friends are negroes


This is the most simp picture ever made.

I hate white people so much! They're UNAMERICAN.

Its good because the gay is doing the least effort

this is great but as soon as you become a mod I will bully you incessantly.

That asian nurse is built like a brick shithouse

i love black people so much

das rite, they wuz kangz!

Lol at the fagg*t trying to help

dont say stuff like that quads a good guy


I support my jogging brothers and sisters!


Don’t care.

The person at the bottom of the pole looks like a Dark Brotherhood mage or something


I see no white women in that pic



All lives matter