My Robinhood account 🤝 the death of George Floyd

1  2020-06-06 by Alt_e


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thanks george

If Donald Trump performs an aztec style blood sacrifice of a black man on live television in the name of Moloch, we'll get to 25% GDP growth

what about OJ Simpson acquittal?

You know how certain species of redwood tree require wildfires to sprout? American business occasionally requires black people to torch their own communities and old businesses so that new businesses can come in and grow. It's the circle of life, and the market is responding appropriately.

Also, the "defund the police" movement that liberals are pushing right now is most likely going to result in privatized police services with zero public accountability. Invest in security firms like Wackenhut.

Oh man, that would be so fuckin funny.

Imagine libs cheering the mass firing of all the schlubby donut eating American cops only to see them replaced with a bunch of psychotic IDF/Mossad trained military vets working for some shell corporation operating from an offshore tax haven.

You don't have to imagine. I can't think of many private security firms with enough trained personnel to cover the area that Minneapolis will need to cover. However, I can think of plenty of private armies with veterans who decided they would rather be armed mercenaries than civilians. Anyway, I forget the last time that private armies were credited with being so good at kindness in the face of hostility.

Oh man I sure wish I could invest.

I'd either be a millinaire or have faked my death by now

Do those numbers stack up? Like if we went and shot 30 joggers we'd have an unprecedented economic boom.

Only if each incident becomes a racially charged media spectacle. Make sure that the person doing the killing is wearing a MAGA hat and looks like Ed Norton in American History X, and the incident is recorded on video. Also, for maximum drama, ensure that each black man secretly has a history of a dozen violent felonies and drug convictions, that way the rightoids will be guaranteed to double down on racism. If we follow this plan, we literally advance to a post-scarcity futuristic utopia with 1200% GDP growth.

Make sure that the person doing the killing is wearing a MAGA hat and looks like Ed Norton in American History X

Hard to find 30 of those people who look like Norton. Now if you want obese boomers and toothless rednecks, it's easier.

ensure that each black man secretly has a history of a dozen violent felonies and drug convictions

You could take a black man at random and chances are he'll meet those criteria.

American History XXXXL

Seriously. If pornhub is suggesting cuck porn for you, it's because their algorithm has determined, scientifically, that you're a cuck. That's all.


  1. My Robinhood account 🤝 the death of... -,

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Actually wtf my Robinhood is now at 50% gain after months of straight L's

The sun god requires blood sacrifice every once in awhile to ensure a good harvest