Absolute future

1  2020-06-06 by Hsutheguard


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Imagine having a government that removes a historical landmark because some jogger got killed by a pig a thousand miles away.

Clown world.

He wasb't even killed by the cop, he had taken drugs and died from cardiac arrest.

Alright I'll do it. I'll ask for proof on a shitpost sub.

npr article

The autopsy report from Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office concludes the cause of death was "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression." That conclusion, death due to heart failure, differs from the one reached by an independent examiner hired by the Floyd family; that report listed the cause of death as "asphyxiation from sustained pressure."
This medical examiner's report does not mention asphyxiation. However, according to prosecutors, in charging documents filed last week, early results "revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."

The autopsy (the one stated above), where a variety of drugs were found.

Here is Minneapolis police department policy in neck restrain (2nd pic) and some law stuff (1st pic) . It should be noted that this technique is used in other countries as well, notably Israel.

I did not think that would actually be the case when people said it, but deep down it was obvious.

Okay everything except for the 7 minute hold after he lost consciousness is completely innocent. I went and read a whole bunch of shit, and went over the videos of the arrest several times.

sworn MPD employees shall keep them under close observation

If Floyd died in those 7 minutes, the 4 police officers would have no idea if he had died. That was just risky and offers an escape for the proof gathered by the autopsy. A large drugged up man was resisting arrest and wouldn't get inside the police car so they restrained him, absolutely nothing wrong there.

Why he took meth with a heart and blood as bad as his is anyone's guess. My question is how he drove to the store in the first place.

guy repeatedly screams he cant breathe

handcuffs on lying face down on the ground

goes unresponsive

crowd says your killing him he cant breathe

cop with knee pulls out pepper spray, to stop any interference in the murder

eventually cops take pulse, cant find one, cop keeps his knee on floyd

calls ambulance

paramedics arrive on scene, cop still has knee on floyd

this went on for nine minutes, cop didnt take his knee off floyd once

autospy report says cops knee on neck stopped bloodflow to brain, caused heart failure

yeah how would they ever know he died? if only there was some sort of indicator shame

big buy on meth uses fake money to buy cigs

says he can't breathe

This is when non-emergency medical should have been called because it was obvious this was gonna take a while.

refuses to get in the car, with force because he's strong, he claims claustrophobia; anyone can bullshit that excuse

naturally police restrain him so he would fall unconscious because he is resisting arrest

When they started the choke they should have monitored his vital signs. They couldn't have known his blood and heart were fucking horrible and that he was so drugged up it was a miracle he drove to the location. But they should have anticipated a problem because obviously the guy was not sober.

I'm not saying the cops were innocent, the guy kneeling is a piece of shit, and the guys around him cowards for not stepping in. But it's incredible how a drugged up pornstar with a history of cardiovascular health issues dying is what causes black people to burn down major cities.

Not the black teenagers going to university getting murdered, not some completely innocent targets. This morally grey character who, had it not been for the fact that he took drugs and had a bad heart, would have survived this ordeal, and was guilty of resisting arrest, taking meth, and using counterfeit USD bills. This is the man twitter has chosen to call their saint. It's mindblowing that out of all the unjust and brutal police killings, America explodes over this one, where there was -- compared to other times cops kill black people -- relatively little done wrong.

muh drug addicts deserve to die

muh resisting handcuffed face down on the ground

didnt read the rest dont write a long post retard

reading comprehension and attention span of a 4 year old

Congrats, you've raised this sub's average by 0.1 years.

he reads longposts on reddit

hahahaha faggot

le pointy arrow and edgy words

look mom i epic troled another libtard



Bottom line we agree Floyd shouldn't have died and this sub is about the most intelligent one on reddit.

County coroner is a Fox News contributor tho

law enforcement didnt kill him

heart failure from sustained pressure from law enforcement


Why are you sperging? Read the fucking autopsy. The heart failure was due to the drugs he had taken prior.

npr article

The autopsy report from Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office concludes the cause of death was "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression." That conclusion, death due to heart failure, differs from the one reached by an independent examiner hired by the Floyd family; that report listed the cause of death as "asphyxiation from sustained pressure." This medical examiner's report does not mention asphyxiation. However, according to prosecutors, in charging documents filed last week, early results "revealed no physical findings that support a diagnosis of traumatic asphyxia or strangulation."

The autopsy report from Hennepin County Medical Examiner's Office concludes the cause of death was "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression."

"cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression."

Yeah where do we disagree?

the knee on the neck caused heart failure

thats what the autopsy report says

That's according to the independent autopsy, not the other one.

its according to both autospys

are u illetarate like can u really not read

From the way you said it i thought you meant he died only from the neck compression. Anyway he died because of all the reasons listed in the autopsy. I'm still confused as to what point you're trying to make.


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he died because of the knee on his neck, thats literally what the autospy states

heart failed caused by police restraint

you said he didnt die from the police, he overdosed on stims

this isnt true

We just read the autopsy, the drugs played a role as well, if not the most important role.

no, i think the cop putting his knee on his neck which cut off blood circulation to the brain did

infact thats what the autospy report says

He says i can't breathe even before he was restrained so clearly the drugs.

no he didnt lol ur literally making up reality

I was searching for the video before the restraint with audio but i couldn't find it. It hasn't been made public yet (i think). Here and here.

i dont understand why the prosecutor is defending the defendant but this isnt really proof

a guy says so, but i saw the video myself lmfao he didnt say it before he went down

There is a video but without audio so we can't confirm yet.


ok but the video with audio goes against it so why are u convinced that this is the truth

If you have the video i linked with audio i'd like to see it.

ok so the only record that exists is the bodycam which the police wont release

they are the ones who claim he said he cant breathe before they put a knee on his neck

either way this goes against both autospy reports which says the cause of death was the knee on his neck not a drug overdose

We will see at the court whether they lie or not.

We have already established that he was heavily drugged prior to the restrain so i guess you're just trolling right now.

ok he was heavily drugged but that doesnt mean thats what killed him retard both autospys state it was the knee on his neck

the whole thing is irrelevant either way, the cop shluld of taken his knee of the guys neck when he couldnt find a pulse

We are just going back to things already discussed.

I don't know which is the correct to way to apply that technique. As i understand it the purpose is to make the other person unconscious. If he did it wrong then sure he can be charged for involuntary manslaughter. But if he did it correct how is he himself liable more than the police department?

Anyway he's getting acquitted since the charge has been updated to 2nd degree which means they have to prove intent to kill.

there is no technique lmfao you just made that up too

intent to kill

once he didnt find a pulse, you could say thats intent brcause he didnt take his knee off the guy

Again accusing me of making things up, when i've already showed you that the neck restrain is used by the police department in Minneapolis you sperg. Second pic

That's one minute of the nine. He did when the medics told him to. If they wanted him to do it sooner they should have told him exactly after they checked for pulse.

I won't be responding anymore since you keep denying facts we had already established. This is not leading anywhere.

ok a pic of something isnt reliable proof because it can just be made up i need actual proof

the police themselves checked for a pulse before calling for an ambulance, there was no reason to restrain him beyond this point especially when he was yelling before that he cant breatje

your denying facts LOL you literally cant hrasp that sometimes the police is wrong

literally wrong and goes against the autospy

both autospy's

Experts hired by George Floyd's family and the Hennepin County Medical Examiner have concluded his death was a homicide, but they differ on what caused it. The independent autopsy says Floyd died of "asphyxiation from sustained pressure" when his neck and back were compressed by Minneapolis police officers during his arrest last week. The pressure cut off blood flow to his brain, that autopsy determined.


he literally had a knee directly on his neck for nine minutes, the cops didnt find a pulse and the paramedics arrived on scene, but the guy still didnt take his knee off of him

literal murder its crazy youll bootlick this hard

They aren't going to stop untill all of the founding fathers' memorials are torn down along with Lincoln's. When it comes down to it, there isn't a whole lot of difference between these people.

Theyre gonna replace every single statue of a white man and replace it with some post modernist art of a naked black woman with exaggerated features.

Oh that’s the next step. Demonize then founding fathers, ask for a constitutional reform.

Either you Americans will go ahead with, or you’ll Balkanize through a civil war.

yeah okay good

being this retarded


founding fathers

Dafuq is the matter with you, you fucking retard?

I'm saying they're next.

Big jump from from that traitorous retard to figures actually worth commemorating. I wouldn't worry about it.

Imagine being unironically anti-confederate.

Imagine being unironically anti-traitors*.


why would you be pro confederate

muh state rights

yeah the right to own slaves sick idgf

Yeah alrighty abe. Now go smash some “slave owner” and “colonizer” windows.

post body fatty

Losers and fags 🤷‍♂️

Imagine still holding onto losing the war to the North.

Lol ok harriet tubman

the South will rise again

It will not.

and then get destoryed by the north


How? Many of them were slave owners, Jefferson raped one of his slaves, they were all horribly racist by today's standards, and also horribly sexist by our standards.

The Left is fundementally evil and seeks to usurp and replace the system in power. How better to do that than to dethrone our country's founders?

Actually thats not entirely true, that (Thomas) Jefferson had sex with his slave.


The more you look into these things, the more you see propaganda.

You think that matters to them?

You dumb motherfucker 🤣

I'm really sorry that my ancestors engaged in trans oceanic navigation and the use of firearms before you ancestors figured out the concept of the wheel. It wasn't a fair fight.

I dont think they would ever invent the wheel if left un touched.

I'm more mayo than you, fugee.

They will do it, they are doing it all across the western world because the media has decided that the history of all our countries is "racist".

Haven't you seen how how hard journalists are trying to tell us that we should be ashamed of Europes expansion westwards, how europeans have "genocided" the natives, how all american countries, especially the US, are founded on "racism" and "bigotry". Some already support eradicating americas commemoration of it's history pre-1960s, although it's a fringe opinion, like removing bismarck statues in germany, it is without a doubt growing.

The Confederates come first since it's acceptable to shit on them now. After that they will come for other "controversial" things. Even non-confederate stuff has been removed. Although it's still few and far between.

And btw, some things they remove is fucked up, like simple commemorations of the dead and plaques which say "famous confederate lived here". They don't want to simply destroy things praising the Confederacy, which is kinda understandable, but also everything that even mentions them in a neutral manner.

It's a long post, I know, call me a retard now please.

removing Bismarck statues

Okay now I'm mad.

It has not happened yet, but there are calls from "activist" groups to do it and they get more and more attention.

It never fails to amaze me how people demand we forget our own history, to what end I ask? What do they hope to accomplish?

joggerwashing history, it's already began in popular culture.

why yes, Kang Arthur is black, because black people have always lived in England, if you disagree you're a bigot

Wait until they start tearing down the Hitler statues.


Buttmad retard.


Founding fathers were traitors to His Majesty, King George III.

Rule Britannia

That was based.

Ask any lefty sub, it's popular to bash the founding fathers because they were "white supremacists who hated black people". The people who were counter-culture in their day are now mocked by the counter-culture.

Ask any lefty sub


The one on the right is 14? Fucking hell 😂

He might be.

What the fuck did Robert E. Lee even do? He only served as a Confederate general because he wanted to fight for his homeland.

He also worked to free slaves by helping them get to Liberia and argued to try and prevent secessions from the Union. He also freed the slaves he inherited, unlike the Union generals who kept their slaves even after the war.



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His homeland was retarded, his cause was faggy, and him and his ilk were traitors - who lost.

So fuck 'im.

The South is full of retards to this day.

Why do you hate black people? Pretty racist to hate the largedt concentrated area of black folk.

There are no people in the South. Just fags.

Because they're retards just like the poor cousin fuckers in the the hills. Sherman didn't do enough.

Californian/Yank detected. Hope to see you in a tree on my way home today.

Never lived north of the dixon.



This pic perfectly sums up the state of the West...



  1. Absolute future - archive.org, archive.today

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🤣 holy shit that place got destroyed. Mayos in the south gonna seethe 🤣

If you have the video i linked with audio i'd like to see it.

Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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You are correct.

Queens 😍


There was never a war that humanity lost as badly as the American civil war


The US has been on a downhill slide every year since 1860

the south arent people tho

