African Queen dunks on basketball and mayo americans😍😍😍😍

1  2020-06-06 by Mesrour_1989


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African immigrants are one of the most based groups in the world. They don't give a fuck, they are there to get a better life for themselves, I knew a Nigerian girl whose dad drove a taxi to put her and her siblings through college, all of them are doctors and engineers now. Upward mobility as FUCK.

Nigerians are the most educated in the USA, not a surprise


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that's nice sweaty

Sweaty = cope word for "better than me"

Lmao at that white woman 4:30 blacksplaining how a black person is wrong for not being like they want them to be.

i bet she voted for benie and was mad that blacks liked biden more. how dare they vote for what they like instead of what white libtards say a black should do

I'd smash

That's what everyone needs to know.

She looks decent, way ahead of american foids. Also look closer : athletic, no flashy clothes, decent posture, articulate (despite her accent showing she worked hard on her English), no multicolored hair...

She's closer to the trad wife rightoids want than any mayo broad out there today.

Would colonize

It’s pretty fun watching /pol/ dance around this fact lol. They’re seriously one QT3.14 African gf away from being the race traitors that they love to hate on.

Lmao true

She called joggers lazy to their faces, after lecturing them on black on black violence. That's the tradwife I want. Also I bet she can cook and clean because I've never seen an african woman who wasn't excellent at both.

Can we see a IQ chart between Africans and african-americans

Some crime stats would be nice too

Africa is a shithole, the immigrants are the top of the top

based and braindrain-pilled

Uhhh she dropped this 👑


Kneel to her, mayo!

I have a large number of family that is in the medical field . The medical field is filled with African immigrants and every single one absolutely despises the American black. They think they are spoiled lazy thieving pieces of shit and have no problem telling them like this one is.

That’s because we only allow smart africans to migrate

They think? More like know lmao American blacks are worthless.


Tariq proven right once again

Blacks from Africa hate African Americans it's hilarious

Because yanks are little bitches

because they realize how much opportunity there is here and how much their people are wasting it. my hs friends dad came from nigeria and became a lawyer and my buddy is basically a black redneck now

Literally every single minority group in the country does well except for basketball Americans. It's truly amazing how systemic racism doesn't target pajeets, African immigrants, South Americans or asians.

I manage a warehouse and have a couple of 1st generation africans, great people and they avoid the basketball Americans like a plague


Remember that Obama is a 2nd generation immigrant. No fully Aftican American- as in descendant from slaves- has become president.

Seriously they hate American blacks so much idk why lol

I think I know why


The absolute worst quality any black person can have is an american accent.

That's a fierce mammy

Jogqueisha accents are so obnoxious

It's different. She's not speaking ebonics, she's an immigrant. Her grammar and vocabulary is pretty good (that's how you can tell she's not an american citizen).

No I am not referring to her she is great! I'm addressing the jogsheniqa in 19-34 seconds

Amazing accent

The based Nigerian is what left- and rightoids fear alike!

Must be a white supremest republican in black face smh 😒

yassss kweeen SLAAYY

I thought the whole narrative was about listening to black experiences...

just because it hasnt happened to you, doesnt mean it hasnt happened to others. some people cannot see past their own experience.

Oh ok. Just not the kind that don't promote perpetual oppression. Got it.

They're going to pop a cap in her ass, sadly. The sheboons on the BLM side can only say "shut up", which means it'll escalate to violence soon.


At 3:33ish, you can see the physical toll this is taking on her. She's shouted down a crowd for minutes, and hasn't won a single voice to her side. Then she does a pro wrestler move, and absorbs the crowd's hate for a second wind. Practically summons the hate on command.

Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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What propaganda? Where would they hear it? Because they hear the exact opposite from: every TV station, all of Hollywood, the entire education system from kindergarten to postgraduate, all large political parties in the Western world, every tech platform bar none, and any other established entity. Hearing the truth from shitposters on extremely fringe internet forums, in the face of full-spectrum brainwashing from birth, does in fact make one more of a free thinker.


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This is why black girls> white girls

khazar femboy bussy >>>>> West African girls > american black girls > literally any other race of women > white girls

African girls> black girls> white girls

For real. Black women in Western Europe are awesome. Super polite, either great education or (if they're first generation immigrants) they work super hard (usually the jobs others don't want), great dressers, take care of themselves (they don't become hambeasts that are proud of it). Also if they catch their daughters being thots, or their sons being thugs, they discipline them.

So american blacks are like another species. Taking pride in being shitty in every way possible. And then encouraging their kids to be even worse.


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latinas > arabs > africans > black girls > white women

Latinas>arabs>Africans>black girls>troids>>>>>>>>>>mayo foids

West African girls > american black girls > literally any other race of women > wh*te girls

Girls >white girls

Bussy >>>>>>>> Fleshlight >>>>>>> w🤮men

Society has moved past the need for white women🚫🧢

Shes right, go to chicago. We closed down schools but built more soccer fields and basketball courts instead.

I'm originally from Chicago I don't want to go back


How does a big, aggressive woman like her not already have the life she wants?

The monkey who climbed out of the tree and made tools and fire

How can i download this?

Google it nigga😐