Coronavirus second wave is police fault

1  2020-06-06 by dont_stop_themusic


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But those are very different protests, and they provoked very different responses. The re-open protesters were generally whiter, often heavily armed,

looted zero shops and burned zero buildings,

and were met with a muted police response, or none at all.

That difference—which stems from politics and police policy—has a direct bearing on epidemiology, too. Law enforcement mostly didn’t engage with the re-open protesters, possibly because of the politics of those protests, possibly because the risk of harm to police officers was greater with all the guns floating around,

Or possibly because they didn't burn the city to the fucking ground.

BLM protest rolls through a diverse neighborhood

Every minority small business gets looted and pillaged

BLM : why does everyone hate us? Fucking Nazis

No you see they used their white privilege to deflect tear gas and batons and their white coolness to not start going full jogger

Looting is the voice of the unheard but also it was the nazis that did it

Or possibly because they didn't burn the city to the fucking ground.

It's also because they were armed. If these protests were all armed to the teeth, there would be a lot less confrontations. And the looters would be scared to do anything, too. The flip side is the people protesting here contain some really fucking crazy nuts who want to disassemble society or fight against a basic fact of the human condition and consider anything warranted to fight against that thing that can never be changed, so I'm not sure I'd want them to have guns. But my point still stands, if they were sane it would be less violent.

Pandemics are always political—especially Covid-19. It makes poor people and people of color sicker and kills more of them than anyone else.

i wish corona was the monster they made it out to be.

Its also funny because we have a record online of all the shit that was peddled by the black community at the beginning of the pandemic.

Somehow people forgot all the brave kangs who were declaring that melanin makes them immune and that's why Africa was spared. It's the white man's fault they were all present at the block parties when everyone else was on lock down.

Quoting something I said two months ago is oppression and bigotry and white supremacy

Of course those pussies y'alled the post.

Fucking wow

This thread has been locked as the level of incivility within the comments has got out of hand.

Bear this in mind: racism is the wrongful characterisation of negative traits applied to an entire group of people and assumed to apply to all of them. It is a wrongful bias against people because of those assumptions. It is evil, and pernicious and wrong and should rightfully be stamped out.

But assuming that all police are brutal, murdering racists is also wrong. Many, many people join the police to keep their communities safe and to help those who live in them. Please do not judge them all based on the actions of a few. And most certainly please do not wish COVID19 on them for doing their job at protests that have in many places turned violent. That really doesn't help anyone, or any cause.

NGL, that's a pretty based thing for a Reddit janny to say

"for a Reddit janny" being the keyword here, of course

If police break up protests wouldn’t that help stop corona?


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womp womp


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Snappy 🤭

Where were you when reality vanished

I was maken funy meme in mom basment

It was December 21st 2012. I was finishing up wrapping gifts for my extended family when I felt the jolt from the phase shift .

Chris Chan has failed us

Where were you when the Dimensional Merge began?

The Mayans gave him plenty of time to prepare and he was too busy going to cons and feeling up preteens.

Police can never catch a break.

Yup, jogging in a giant pile and mass undocumented shopping and store redecoration events won't spred the rona but tear gass and busses will.

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