Ebony Queen

1  2020-06-06 by agentsmitherino


Do white people ever get tired of this shit

They cannot enjoy virtue signaling all the goddam time

I'm not even white but I dont get this shit. This isnt even a fringe opinion it's actually rather mainstream (reparations and gibs that is).

How about we give reparations and they fuck off outta here

gift certificate for a 1-way international united airlines flight?

Nah just give them some sneakers

It will never, ever be enough.

They aren’t virtues signalling mostly. They genuinely like this due to a lifetime of indoctrination.

I donate my BWC to any ebony queens in need.

"What you been doing for the black community lately?"

"Shit, slaying this black pussy"

family's estate

hoe think the average white person is some 1800's noble

fucking clown

A not shot-up double-wide is a deeply impressive estate relative to their standards tbh.

"If you are not willing to relinquish your plasma TV for the sake of black liberation , you are part of the problem"

Guess I am okay with being part of the problem

My resources: an agriculture field, lacking workers.

I’ll gladly lend 10% of the profits from the sale of such cotton to the cause.

It’s gibs or nothing!

I'm gonna setup a fake gofundme claiming to be a black foid that suffers oppression and scam money out of these white retards.

Make sure to call yourself trans as well

I'm waiting for jack to handle over Twitter since he is a follower.

Noname more like morewords. Stfu and kneel whitey.

Those r/ Drama people genuinely disturb me. At least the fascists on subs like ConsumeProduct seem to genuinely care about the stupid shit they believe in (traditionalism, national pride, the importance of the nuclear family, sexual purity, etc.). Those drama freaks seem to value literally nothing but being as much of an inhuman and obnoxious piece of shit as possible in every direction the opportunity presents itself.


  1. Ebony Queen - archive.org, archive.today

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Good thing I only listen to white people music

Everyday, I wake up and thank god I’m not black. I love being white. Thank ye Lord!