
1  2020-06-07 by throwawayaccount_34


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I GREW UP WITH... a present father

I am now well educated and have not to worry about police brutality since I am an exemplar citizen

Percy JaKKKson? You mean the book where a young Greek boy goes on a hate-filled journey throughout America?

There’s also a sequel series where he meets and is utterly mogged by his chad Roman equivalent.

chad Aryan Roman equivalent




It's over for Greekcels

I don’t read YA but that actually sounds pretty fucking based.

Gay books.

The black man's greatest strength is that he doesn't read Harry Potter.

This is worse than the murder of George Floyd and Eric Garner put together.

the eternal roasted marshmallow

Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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GO girl pursue your dreams, you're so brave

Some guy made a fucking meme trying to frame it as being the same as domestic abuse and the people calling him out on it were being downvoted in the comments and being told that it was “just a meme”. One of mine got threaded to r/deuxrama or whatever that fasch sub is called, because r/battlefieldv notoriously houses actual fascists who can blend in thanks to the viral Wehrabooism.


  1. Powerful. - archive.org, archive.today

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