Only mayos say some shit like this man I swear

1  2020-06-07 by Vxncenzo


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My gramps fought the Nazis but he hated blacks and flew a confederate flag til the day he died. Was he Antifa?? 🤔

what would your gramps think of your hairless legs

You're thinking of my chest. My legs are as hairy as Australopithecus.

Nah, just a fag.

My great grandpa was literally a commie war hero against the Nazis and he'd probably be for sending antifa to Siberian labour camps until they became less retarded. These fags are actually retarded if they think any side during WW II wouldn't have just beat them up at best.


Knowing you people, your grandpa was probably born in 1991.

The redditards genuinely think these same men would support modern day antifa neo-commie soy cucks lmao

They constantly piss and shit themselves about boomers, do they really think Boomers parents were less racist? Lmao

"Well the guys in the photos WERE heroes until they called me a 'poofter' and a 'Jessie' for using my pronouns..."

We should bring back poofter, my aunt says it every few months and it throws everyone off

My Grandad knew a famous local journalist growing up and we asked him what he was like and he said 'just a fucking poof'


Um but all the Hollywood movies say they're the good guys fighting the BAD GUYS™ so that means they aren't racist because the good guys are good and racism is bad okay I mean learn history watch Inglorious Bastards chud

Reddit Mayos don’t give two shits about the troops unless it fits their agenda and propaganda.

Personally, I feel like almost every veteran who stormed Normandy would curb stomp people who turn their sacrifice into something political

That moment when these people would be called nazis nowadays

What do you mean by "called"? These are nazis. They attacked a brave black man.

Adolphquan Hitler was that black man.

Imagine doing this for a moment… charging into heavy machine gun fire, with no cover, at an age where you probably can not even grow a proper beard; possibly have not gotten laid yet.

Straight from your parents house to storming the Nazi war machine that had months, if not years, to fortify the position and prepare to slaughter you.

Now imagine doing it in wet socks.

Being this much of a reditor should be grounds for immediate execution. How disgustingly sheltered removed from reality do you have to be to see a picture of men walking towards their death, and the first thing you think of, because it's the closest experience you have to their lives, is that their fucking socks are wet and that sucks? I bet you that not a single guy on that beach cared about his fuckong socks.

I'm legit a bit mad at how disgustingly sheltered redditors are. Top comment and 2x gold...

And even if you might think its a joke, its a retarded one

Of course his biggest worry is dying without “getting laid” and growing a beard. Plus his absolute ignorance of how the Normandy landing came to be isn’t shocking either. The Germans didn’t have years to prepare and fortify the beach, they were spread thin and believed an attack would come from much further north. Even on D-day the Germans didn’t believe the allies would attack Normandy and didn’t bother sending viable reinforcements, thinking it was a ploy. The actual invasion was conducted on a really foggy day, there wasn’t much charging into battle, it was a bunch of soldiers lying on the beach waiting for the Germans to run out ammo.

Of course his biggest worry is dying without “getting laid” and growing a beard.

To be fair, that was the biggest worry of many of the guys who stormed Normandy, too.

But other than that, yeah. As a serious post, this is accurate. People generally don't just charge machine gun fire.

this is like posting a pic of austrian soldiers fighting the ottoman empire and going "the biggest anti-monarchist operation in history"

All I see is a bunch of baby killers

My WWII vet grandfather was probably the most racist person I’ve ever met

Where do they think I got my views from? I can only imagine if grandpa lived long enough for trannies to become mainstream what he’d have to say about them. Germans killed his brother in Italy and shot him twice, yet he still hated minorities more than any kraut.

When my dad was leaving for college he told him he better not bring home any black girls


“that’s totally me”

My ancestor!

The horrific thing is, in many cases, at least when it comes to this, they are actually right. And their ancestor would be greatly disappointed.

A lot of ww2 vets were ok with segregation, I wonder if they are part of antifa

Would they do it over again if they could see how Europe and America looked today?

They'd be on the right side

Eh, I know how people are. Hitler would have killed all the 'minorities', and then he'd eventually start killing everyone else when his new world order didn't manifest exactly the way he wanted it. So even if you hate those groups, I don't think he would have made a paradise. It would just be Stalin after consildating power, killing and purging until people stopped 'failing' him.

God I wish I was there choking on my own blood

Isn't this Omaha beach? The beach stormed by Americans? The Americans with a segregated army?

You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. Only mayos say some shit like this ... -,

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My great grandpa fought the nazis. With a gun and bayonet, killing people, not throwing bricks into windows. He also hated gay men, and jews, till the day he died a couple years ago.

My God it's the "My ancestor :DDDD" meme

Have I told you about DeuxCHAT?

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Lol I got banned from there because I called some guy who said that if all of those men were alive now they’d be marching along side Antifa a retard

Check out this post, it also has other stats like 90% of Americans saying they'd rather lose to Nazis than end segregation and excerpts by George Patton, WW2 US General:

Had the WW2 vets known what would become of their nations, they'd either refuse to fight the Axis or join them.


The book 'The Unknown Warriors' by Nicholas Pringle is a collection of letters from Second World War veterans with memories of wartime and thoughts on life since the end of the war and the country today.

Here are some excerpts regarding the book, taken from a news article about the same:


What is extraordinary about the 150 replies he received, which he has now published as a book, is their vehement insistence that those who made the ultimate sacrifice in the war would now be turning in their graves.


'I sing no song for the once-proud country that spawned me,' wrote a sailor who fought the Japanese in the Far East, 'and I wonder why I ever tried.'


They feel, in a word that leaps out time and time again, 'betrayed'.


Immigration tops the list of complaints.


'Our country has been given away to foreigners while we, the generation who fought for freedom, are having to sell our homes for care and are being refused medical services because incomers come first.' Her words may be offensive to many - and rightly so - but Sarah Robinson defiantly states: 'We are affronted by the appearance of Muslim and Sikh costumes on our streets.'


As a group, they feel furious at not being able to speak their minds. They see the lack of debate and the damning of dissenters as racists or Little Englanders as deeply upsetting affronts to freedom of speech. 'Our British culture is draining away at an ever increasing pace,' wrote an ex-Durham Light Infantryman, 'and we are almost forbidden to make any comment.'

He's just like me! :O