Liberal Mayo finds out he doesn’t have enough Ally reward points to not be attacked by BLM. Many such cases 😔

1  2020-06-07 by Things_Remote


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tbf he kinda looks like a skinhead

To be safe all ”whites” 🤮 should be attacked on sight until they are pacified enough to properly identify political affiliation.

Look at the size of those anal beads around his neck tho.

Shaven head and alternative fashion == Nazi?

Yes sweaty, dont you read the news 💅💅

Really makes you think, wignat retards and left wing hipsters have the same fashion sense

Balding is nothing more than a slow process of becoming a Nazi. And people shaving their heads are called neo-nazis for a reason.

This is why they're trying so hard to end cancer, it's a gateway to the alt-right

Wtf I love cancer now.

Its weird that the more smarter you become the more nazi looking you become, almost as if lefties are just the dumber side of the scale.

balding turns you into an incel, not smarter. Baldcel COPE

This is why we need Islam.


  1. Liberal Mayo finds out he doesn’t h... -,

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haha window go smash



"its good to punch Nazis"

"Who gets to decide shoes a Nazi"


Your brain on liberalism. Not even once.

You lay with the dogs you get fleas.

or attacked by them.

"When the race war arrives, your skin will be your uniform" - Moon Man.

did MJ switch teams? was he allowed to do that? Im gonna do it for fun

punch came with a free redpill.

What's funny is that these past few weekends have done more to create new Nazis than do anything about the ones that were already there.

Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Me sowing: ha ha ha yes

Me reaping: oh fuck no owie owie

We shouldnt judge people on their appearence. Wait, you are white? Nevermind.


Meanwhile """tolerant""" liberals tell us nor to judge others by how they look

Don’t care.