Does anyone have any good dating advice for a Short South Asian Australian?

1  2020-06-07 by thowaway_throwaway


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id advise to invest in your home country cuz you're going back either way bro might as well make the expulsion comfy

It's over...

short asian in a white country

It never even began

fuck you karen. if you cared so fucking much why didnt you speak up when it was happening? fuck this finger wagging bull shit. and fuck you for implying that only new witches would want to do something like this. theres always a downside to weather magic but im NOT gunna hesitate to help when people and animals are fucking DIEING.


  1. Does anyone have any good dating ad... -,

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/u/ThePoarter if you want real advice don't ask the "men" of /r/Australia.

I'd say ask TRP but they're just larpers.

Ignore all that "work on yourself" shit. Yeah, getting big at the gym is good but that's about all there is, the rest is just toxic victim blaming. You're not shit at talking to foids because you're a shit person, you're shit at talking to foids because you're shit at talking to foids. (By which I mean talking to women about putting your penis in their vagina without seeming too creepy, I'm assuming you can talk to them like you'd talk to any other person)

/u/I_call_the_left_one has basically the only sensible suggestion - if you want to get good at talking to women then practice is one way. And as /u/Penguin_in_the_sand points out, girls just want to have fun (i.e. no strings attached orgasms with a guy who can make them laugh) so don't try to sell yourself as serious relationship material (would you want to hook up with a clingy virgin if women actually had to be good in bed for the guy to enjoy themselves?).

Also I'm banned from /r/OZ but feel free to mention what I've said, maybe they can offer a bit of insight (or I can just annoy a few people).

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