1  2020-06-07 by gggdddggdd


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Nick's pretty faggy sometimes but that was a chad move

Why is he faggy?


That doesn't really explain to me, but ok. Maybe he is cringey? Imo he is funny and intellectual and him and tucker are our only guys somewhat mainstream so.

him and tucker are our only guys somewhat mainstream so.

I agree with that. Nick gets a tad too much hate on right-wing subs here.

He's live right now if you want to tune in. His last ep on the riots was beautifully said.

The replies to her are really worth reading. Nothing but groypers

Lmao he even gave her his @

Nick is cringe most of the time but that was a power move.

Abolish the police! Help, call the police! 🤔🤔


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Post is gone :'(

lmao she got owned so bad. You can view it on tucker_carlson

I bet he lets his catboy bf kneel on his neck.

I'm surprised Nick actually got somewhat popular, I remember when he would shill his show on /pol/

Conservatives like closeted homosexuals, because then they will have something common with their internet star.

Shut your lying mouth, fucking bitch. That is not true.

It literally is, this was in like 2017/18

What is your proof?

it's just my anecdote, I didn't mean anything by it lol