reddit moment

1  2020-06-07 by MaltOverCow


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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Good morning

I didn't expect such a loud HONK to start my day

>yfw the alt-right accidentally turns Good Morning into a dogwhistle (this time by accident)

>in the year 2080, one Texas senator is forced to resign because a 2045 tweet resurfaces, where he just says "Good morning"

his wife was cheating on him i guarantee it

Side guy was a Sagittarius and he decided to go for a Taurus.



Why are w*men like this? Wish I were gay tbh

Based and bussy-pilled

would much prefer cutey bussy over femoids

Tfw can't figure out how to take the bussy pill 😔

Clearly the romans had a point. Speaking of which, someone should make a cringewave edit of the statue of David’s penis saying “they took this from you”.

David is circumcised. So, yes, they took this from both him and me.



Someone like that shouldnt have a child anyway.


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Not wrong.

an increasing number of women and people in general are not good candidates for parenthood, pretty worrisome tbh

literally satanic

My ex was into astrology. I thought she was kidding at first, but there are legitimately people out there that live and die by starshit.

I once bullied a chick at a party that claimed she saw ghosts at a nearby campus building lmaoooo

Same, fucking art hoes man...

Link the post faggot

i stole the image retard.

Of course you did you little autistic piece of shit

This is peak white foid

"Aww man. Sorry baby, but your birthday was just 1 day off. Down you go."

My wife

Delusional. She's obviously married to pop culture.

God, please let me have a boyfriend. You gave me bisexuality, I've seen both sides, and I've made my choice. Please.

Lol fag

You will never know the pleasure of bussy. Well, I'm religious, so neither will I. But still.

This is why women weren't allowed to have rights.

It never begun for clustercels!

The 19th amendment and its consequences

How cucked do you have to be to let your woman kill your child over such stupid shit

And then post it on reddit

fuck you karen. if you cared so fucking much why didnt you speak up when it was happening? fuck this finger wagging bull shit. and fuck you for implying that only new witches would want to do something like this. theres always a downside to weather magic but im NOT gunna hesitate to help when people and animals are fucking DIEING.


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Never ever get into any kind of relationship with someone who believes in Astrology.

He asked for something like this.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

Astrology is just racism for white women

Should have never given em voting rights honestly


This is a fake post. It was made by a teenager YouTuber. Here's proof with the unredacted name

Based zoomer

Thank you so much, you beautiful fella mong. I thought this might be real.

Most obviously fake post since the "AITA for not buying my 10 year old a dildo." Post.

astrology is a cult

He's definitely trolling

I'd love me some fetus soup😋

I would do the same, Sagittarius was legit the shittest beyblade.

This bitch was about to give birth to half dog baby.

just scorpio things

this is why i stick to bussy


Good morning, I hate women.


lol at all the deuxtards up in here believing satire/troll as obvious as this to be real. Maybe u guys are real r*dditors afterall