Skeletor says black lives matter.

1  2020-06-07 by RareSector0


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Can liberals process real world events without Linking them to fiction


Pop culture has consumed their reality.

They can't even link it to anything that isn't children's fiction

In all fairness I can't even process real world events

you're laughing but I'm slowly losing my ability to actually perceive information

The lib "long march" through industries that produce culture has resulted in these adult children where aesthetic expressions and politics are the same.

It's not liberals saying abolish the police, it's the commies

this will end well im sure lmao

Children don't want to have a nanny anymore!!

Do you have any shows not made by lesbians?

Just the ones made by jews

What about lesbian jews?


Don't they just explode or something?

Too many episodes of steven universe have been made for that to be the truth unfortunately

He Man hates cops and is a trans activist

I never saw a police officer in minecraft, guess we dont need police in real life.

Iron golems are the authoritarian wishes made manifest by their ((villager)) creators.

this but unironically.-


I always like to ask these people about what therapy (if any) Brock Turner needs.

The replies even include a Twitter "sassy black girl" gif

CalArts style is literal cancer

It's ugly, boring, and homogenous. Just like the far-leftists who love it so much.

The real reason all these shows have standardized around the CalArts style is that it makes it extremely easy to draw your degenerate fan porn of underage characters on-model. And that's a good thing.


The real question we need an answer to is why is it that amateur porn art of characters is exponentially more talented and skilled than official art these days

Nah, these people aren't that far left. They don't call for seizing the means of production.

its made by jews

....b-but thats not a thing!!! youre just a reactionary!!

I too watch enough children’s cartoons to be aware of what their art style is called and hold strong opinions over it

Yikes, you just did a heckin misogyny, let's unpack this.

shredder says trans rights

You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. Skeletor says black lives matter. -,

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Grown adults watching a children's cartoon 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


Every fucking argument is this.

What happened to cynical nihilistic cartoons like Daria? Literally made for kids but chad enough to tell them they're not special.

By god this changes everything.

I can't wait for some retards to start a state without any police. That's when tranny hunting season starts.

My brain has rotted to such an unrecognizable and disfunctional state that all of my opinions come exclusively from my favourite woke cartoons.

Do people actually watch that show for reasons other than cooming to the characters

All these shows are made by people who drew r34 for deviant art.

Fictional universes can be used as evidence for the way things are. Like Harry Potter, I guess.

And ofc its written by some anarchist retard

Liberals literally just want superheroes

We need to reclaim Skeletor for the dissident right

that bitch is norwood 2 i need to do a cock inspection on her

We should have unrestricted jogging!

You guys do realize that real world event are different from cartoons right?

I want to read the article to see how stupid it is but I don't want to give them traffic

"Do We Need The Legions? Some Graffiti I Found In The Whorehouse at Pompeii Says We Don't"

My 10 year old daughter recently binge-watched all the seasons of She-Ra. I watched most of it over my shoulder. It was interesting, the writing was better than I expected... but I sensed something was off about it.

Show has your token gay characters (Double Trouble) with token gay acceptance agenda -- I get that, it's 2020 I guess. What floored my ass and made me turn the show off is the very last episode.

The whole show ends with She-Ra saving the world with Catra's help, Catra suddenly professes her undying love for She-Ra, they KISS, followed by some cartoony lesbian/furry embrace.

I mean, JFC, this is rated TV-Y7?

My generation are literal children. Maybe if I bullied more people this never would have happened.