Whale denied visit to its family

1  2020-06-07 by anuddahuna


Heh. Some of you Deuxcels are alright. Don't come to DeuxCHAT tomorrow.

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ahhh yes, I didn't make any death threats. I've just called you fat and gay


  1. Whale denied visit to its family - archive.org, archive.today

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at a certain point being fat will be your owm life jacket

fatties dont understand how hard it is for low bf%'ers to float


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How fucking enormous do you have to be that you don’t fit in ANY life jacket? My dad is old as shit and put on a ton of weight the last few years since age ruined his mobility and he always wears one with no problem when he takes the boat out.

Well you know Usually old people put on alot of belly fat I assume the blogposter mostly put on fat on the sides

They almost can't be too small, its a few buoyant plates connected with adjustable belts.

If you're that fat you may not even need a life jacket at that point. You'll just float

I think there's a certain point where the sheer mass overcomes their natural buoyancy from fat.

Whale watching

Fucking kek

You're telling me whales can't enjoy the ocean now? Sick.

Maybe there real whale show was the people who had to be left behind

Whales enjoy the ocean just fine.

It's a bit sad but honestly just eat 1200 calories a day for a year and she'd probably slim down enough for a life jacket even with no exercise

1200 a day for a year would probably drop her like 100 lbs but she probably does 1200 a meal

Foid privilege is being able to be a fat fucking whale and still have children and a husband carrying your fat ass through adulthood

lose weight you fat bitch