The foid cries out in pain as she attacks

1  2020-06-07 by Rosey9898


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Wow, this is the greatest clip ever, i have watched it like 7 times now, bitch got what she deserved lmaooo

POW! Right in the eyelash

I've watched it like 5 times now and all I see is he took it from her hand gently . Is that all or is my diabetes and autism keeping me from seeing it all?

Well for starters, the audio was edited in afterwards. The reason she kneels down is because there was tear gas on the balloon from an earlier incident. So it popped and sprayed her in the face. So no, people are falling for this fake video.

So she was hitting him with a tear gas streaked balloon? Arrest her.

The point is that she wasn't crying because her balloon got taken away.

i thought she kneeled down to get the balloon back

Maybe. I thought it popped, but the article said there was residual tear gas, which who knows if true or not. The only thing for sure though is that the audio from the post is not genuine.

It popped and had tear gas on it - unedited version here if you'd get off on it -

Ofc she gets surrounded by simps

Hey... u ok babydoll?

Play stupid games wins stupid prices đź’…đź’…đź’…

Serves her right for annoying Obelix


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Fucker just wants some of that magic potion.

I hope he throwed a menhir at her off camera. Like if they're going to commit police brutality at least be original.

white foids when they dont virtue signal for more than 12 hours

That's a truely regal moustache

Is this bongtown or burgerland

Baguetteville hon hon

It's also from 2016


Did this have anything to do El Hombre Alaranjado?

I mean, it being 2016 makes it really likely that it is, but then again, this is from France, where protests and riots happen for literally any reason.

Females destroy civilizations.

Too fake but funny

that's a few years old. a news story at the time said that her reaction was like that because that balloon, the police pushed in her face had some residue of pepper spray or tear gas on it. but who knows. journalists lie all the time.

True but so do cops am I right? 🤣

This is a pro law enforcement sub, Chappie

You’re one of those tards that means that unironically

Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening.


  1. The foid cries out in pain as she a... -,

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Gender Studies student gets destroyed by Ben Shaprio (2020, colorized)

Mayo foids when you gently restrain her pibble from tearing up your yard and prevent it from maiming your family members

I hate all women, but especially wh*te women

Prend ça sale pute! T'aime ça salope, hein? Vas y penche toi, mets toi à quattre pattes grosse chienne.


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Damn Asterix is not having it...

You guys are all idiots. This audio is overdubbed and the reason she kneels to the ground is because the balloon was coated in tear gas.




So the OP is correct, the foid cries out as she strikes you. "fact checker" sites are for braindead agendaposters

“Wow you disagree with!? You must hate true facts! I am very intelligent”

"it's false cause snopes told me so!"

No. The audio was added. She doesn't cry anything. The unedited video is in the link I provided you.

Edit: Wait, really?

"fact checker" sites are for braindead agendaposters

There's no agenda lol. I watched the clip and could immediately tell the audio was added so I googled and found this video and I confirmed it.

All i See is a crying bitch

I mean she was probably crying, she got tear gas in her eyes. You're missing the point, though. The audio from the clip was added in after. It's not real. Well, it's real. But not from the woman in the clip.

And deserved it

You seem to be missing the point. This woman was not crying because her balloon was popped. This video is propaganda and you're falling for it. Even worse, doubling down.

I’d expect to see such an opinion and behavior here from a user with 270k karma

I'm not sure how that's relevant. And I didn't even post an opinion. And what, you don't like the behavior of posting sources around here?

ok cope breh

Not even sure what that means.

hahahahaha ok den leftie, keep up the small brain cope

Which part about anything I've said is leftist?

you’re a true r*dditor, keep replying my redditor

I'm torn between replying because I want to, and not replying because you told me to and it will look like I did it because you told me to and not because I wanted to. Oh fuck, you must be my mom.

man r*dditors having a mom? impossible

i see you are “”””projecting”””” your lack of a mother i suppose ;)

How did you find this sub


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that’s a good question


Never said that ,but she is criyng like a bitch

You'd be crying too if you got pepper spray in your face lol

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I thought you said it was "coated with tear gas"

I did. Then I said Dr. Pepper Spray.

Well which is it?

The one mentioned in the article I provided so everyone can know that this is a doctored video.

So we both agree you don't know what the fuck you're talking about

The video OP posted is doctored. You can watch the video because I sourced it. It doesn't matter if I know what I'm talking about or not because I'm not asking you to believe anything I said. I just provided you the source with the original audio.

Hmm yes maybe i will just dont provoke a cop and dont get pepper Spray in my face

That must be some seriously potent tear gas on that balloon that she's waving around in front of her own exposed face. How did we learn these details anyway?

It's not proven that there was tear gas on the balloon but it makes the most sense as to why she would kneel down. But the original video is in the link I provided and the crying doesn't occur. The audio in the video OP posted has been over dubbed.

That makes the most sense? You can't think of any other possibility?

Like, say, perhaps, just maybe... and I'm spitballing here... she's full of shit? Like maybe she was acting like an entitled foid and went full victim when her privilege got yanked but then had to come up with a bullshit story about high potency instant acting contact only tear gas when it turned out there was a video?

Yo. Watch the video I sourced lol. The cries in the video OP posted are added in after the fact. She didn't cry because she lost her balloon. You're falling for propaganda intentionally right now.

Lmao what the hell are you even trying to argue, that she definitely had tear gas on her balloon because the scream was fake?

No lol. That she wasn't crying because she lost her balloon, like OP was trying to imply. And people are believing it. But it's not real. It didn't happen and I provided the source video.

You're the only one that said that. Even OPs title is that she took a victim dive

That’s a pretty wild claim you got there buddy. Is there a source for that? Maybe a fact checker website?

What claim?

Your claim that this video is fake. Im gonna need a source for that because this looks super real

What are you even saying man? The title is literally "The foid cries out in pain as she attacks" saying nothing about crying because she lost her balloon. Obviously the footage we are watching happened so that is a terrible way to word your point. No one here other than you is talking about her crying over the balloon.

Seethe, cope, etc

Also this

Still funny.

It is funny. But this is posted like she's crying because she got her balloon taken away.