"Jogger spotted, 300 meters, sergeant!"

1  2020-06-08 by xxNotAPlane


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I've been with a few women in my life and one thing I've noticed is that the female anus is incredibly close to the vagina, in fact they're barely an inch apart.

I'm not sure about other guys - but doesn't this disturb you? It feels like a design flaw in women actually -- like they're supposed to be so feminine and beautiful yet this ghastly little oversight is ruining everything.

Somehow it feels to me that women should be more aware of this flaw and it should affect their confidence. Whenever I see a so-called beautiful woman walking down the street so care-free thinking she's all that I just remember her anus is only 1 inch away from her pussy and laugh her into oblivion.


  1. "Jogger spotted, 300 meters, sergea... - archive.org, archive.today

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I know we have a technological advantage and cool weapons and shit but I'm certain a war with the chinks would not turn out well for us

God i can't wait to be ruled by our glolious Chinese masters. For one thing they'd give everyone n-word passes.

We'll pillage Africa of its precious metals as well and not feel the least bit guilty about it

I’d gladly be a janissary for the Xi Jinping over whatever pozzed world leader is in charge when China invaded us.

As a Chinese American who’s shit at speaking Chinese, Idk if I’d be accepted by them or the first to get shot.

They would probably call you a traitor or something idk

Just throw bats at them lmao

Materially we have massive advantages, but our command and officer corps are retards who have been in denial for 20+ years so you're probably right, they would fuck it up beyond repair

No one is ever going to touch our landmass though, the worst it gets for us is we lose our ability to project force across the world, and that's all our adversaries care about too

An invasion of the mainland US, fuck can you imagine all the boomers trying to act out red dawn irl.

It's just not worth it. Like sticking your hand into a hornet's nest inside Chernobyl's elephant foot.

Imagine Syria, but all the IED vehicles are fucking Killdozers.

I think an average chad-comrade from People's Liberation Army of China can single-handedly occupy 20-30 Starbucks points in NYC, forcefully conscript 3-5 most fit hipsters and put against the wall the rest. Now imagine what a Chinese battalion can do. USA in general may resist for a while but biggest US cities will crumble in hours.

Is Russia, china, and Mexico went to war with the USA how could you possibly know what diverse person you see on the street is on your side or not?

The boomers would have to. The zoomers and millenials will curl up in the fetal position and sob if they are misgendered.

No you dont. All of America's industry is in China, if you went to war with them your whole economy would be in shambles.

This shit really is going to escalate into a race boogaloo isn't it ? Day by day it looks more credible that it's going to escape the meme realm.

That sub is so shit. That’s why the troids banned me. Half the military is closet gay trust me I know

Buddy, you don't need to tell my about the military being gay. On new guy beer night we spitroast all the privates in reg.

Do you... touch their privates?😏

This disgusts me because I’m too old to enlist.

A "diverse person"... A single person can't be diverse, only a group of people can be diverse. They aren't even hiding it anymore that diverse just means non-white.

Contact, jogger, 300 meters, west

Sneaky Army, training the troops to find minorities and passing it off as virtue signaling.

Source: believe me

“Hey Tyrone/Jose get over here I need to film the daily diversity video”

"Yes honey"