Ok now this is epic and wholesome

93  2020-06-08 by xingxhang


I have information that will lead to DeuxCHAT's arrest.

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Womanz like to pretend they like lefty men.

But they want rightoid Chad.

Based and Atomwaffen pilled.

dude, sometimes they ask me to put the fuhrer moustache before going down on them

so weird

This is actually pretty common, Because for libs, being more “left” is a matter of social status. They don’t actually believe any of it, they just want to appear woke to their friends. They’ll pretend to be your friend up until the point where it looks like something might happen, then they’ll preach patience under the guise of pragmatism. As the incel saying goes, SJW in the streets, KKK in the sheets

There’s a reason protests are full of people recording themselves for social media even though it’s terrible opsec. Same reason shit like the black square posting caught on. They are narcissists pretending to have principles

And is a harsh and sad reality, women tend to be hypergamous by nature, i have witnessed it everytime, if it werent for my ML principles i would have been a MGTOW or someone who hates women tbh

Uhm sweaty seems like you arent very progressive seeing all this kinkshaming 🙄🙄🙄

Do better.

I was once involved with a black girl. Race playing and being degraded was her fetish.

I had to pretend I was a slave owner and whip her while calling her racial slurs.

I did something similar with a Harry Potter foid. Wanted me to call her mudblood and stuff.

I mean I was gonna already put her in a triangle choke anyways but I guess I could also call you a filthy mudblood and also think "read another book" while doing it



okay, which one of you was this?

There's a reason why Eve is the one who bites the apple and not Adam.

Are there people who actually think sucking dick is gay ?

  1. you're sharing protein
  2. you're admiring masculine physique
  3. being in the vacinity of other high testosterone males increases your own testosterone
  4. eating pussy is gay because you're litterally slurping down estrogen. and long term relationships have been proven to lower testosterone.

spartans had gay orgies all the time and they were the height of masculinity. you bet they were at least fondling eachothers test producers.

all these summer DYEL's piss me off. their twink bodies don't understand, but in time i'm sure they'll get it.


  1. Ok now this is epic and wholesome - archive.org, archive.today

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Post in are slash hole some

Lmaoooooo, this is such obvious bait, how do they even fall for this?

Almost definitely. The poster claims to be jewish and into pegging. This whole thing is the right combinaton of racist and sexually progressive so I think they get super turned on. I bet most of those people typed their replies one handed.



I love how the raysism is more concerning to this faggot than the cheating. Absolutely pitiful.

So do we not link the post anymore?


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Not sure I prefer not bringing too much heat to this sub by linking other subs.

Mayo leftoids are getting cucked bug mayo rightoids? Is this the white equivalent of black on black crime?