How do you do, fellow DeuxChads?

987  2020-06-08 by a_normal_human


What if you... clicked my link to DeuxCHAT... Haha just kidding...


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What about "Jogga" ?

I prefer, Jogger

Yikes hard R 😬

Its our word

Check your privilege chapo

chapo is our word, you can say chap though

Thx nigga


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I guess it's time to buy the 'I fucking love science' t-shirt.

science is what lead to the conception of the technoindustrial society, fellow ted. we must not fall for their lies

The betrayal of monke goes with a heavy heart, but if a labcoat with a bachelor's degree tells me that I am smart and strong then a nigga gotta to do what he gotta do you feel me.

aye monke



Tsk tsk tsk. Learn patience, my DEUXChad

I wanna be blacked by big chungus

cucked and /b/pilled

You can't rush art.






We did it reddit!

BLM is no more!



Actually cured black peoples retardation.


this can't be real

this is the direct implication from the original article

Meme article.

If you read the one study it links, at the end it literally says "this data leads us to believe there is no correlation" lol

Right wing statistics and science on full display here boys.

It’s leftists who can’t go two sentences without swearing for no reason because they’re so emotional about everything

Do you think I like leftists or something?

dunning krueger

Ahhh. Always knew i was special.

me press f12 me are funny

Well I guess /pol/acks are literally unstoppable

Of course they are. Case and point:

Weaponised autism

Retard strenght

Case and point

This used to be just r/Drama with less mod pranks intervention and more shitposting, but now it's turned into a Gaza Strip clusterfuck, where the original population and the MDE refugees who were kicked out from 109 other subs compete for their holy land.


  1. How do you do, fellow DeuxChads? -,

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iam at my peak


You know what word I’m gonna say next?

So saying it every day is like a workout for my brain?

I hope so

Damn looks like we're all going to Harvard boys 😎

Like a foid would be based enough to write that. FAKE

Gamer moment





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Sigh, fake and gay, it seems.

Yes. :)


How they censor bullshit but not the n-word

hahaha n word funney!! 🤣

Fugees mad lol

Ironically - would be a fugee if he posts here.